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Kerbal Administration of Space Exploration

Spilled Vial

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Welcome! KASE is a series that I send out to my friends in the form of email, but now, I've decided to share my missions with the world! This is modded, and this first post will be very large with lots of pictures, as the first 20 or so KASE emails are going to be copy/pasted in.-(Edit: I lied just then. But there are 20 or so to catch up on.) :P Annnnnywho, I'm gonna leave a somewhat complete modlist, and then I'll be on with the missions!

Mods Used:

B9 Type Procedural Wings


Habitat Pack

Kerbal Attachment System

KAX(something to do with planes, can't remember what it stands for XD)



Kerbal Inventory System

MechJeb2(for rendezvous and docking, cause I just can't)

TAC Life Support






Kerbin Administration of Space Exploration (KASE)
KSOEP has decided to merge with a smaller, promising company called KASE. As of now, Bill is not joining KASE. He has gone home to be with his family during his last weeks. Jebediah is temporarily off active duty as he scouts for and trains new KASE recruits.
As of now, here is the crew Roster:
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Valentina was in the Kerbal Air Force and graduated top of her class in KASE training. JJ fears she is here to replace him.
Sudie is KASE's top scientist.
Loke is fresh out of training, and hopes to do great things during his career at KASE.
(KASE #1's information is invalid, after a corruption forced a new save without the Kerbonauts mentioned.)
Simple really, it's the first launch of KASE!
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Christening in the VAB.
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Christening on the launch pad, with Valentina in the pod.
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Liftoff, with visible drag due to high speeds and atmospheric pressure. Everything's working great!
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Christening as it reaches its maximum height.
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Christening falls toward Kerbin. Despite spiraling downward like a lawn dart, Valentina remains calm and composed. She looks quite happy in fact.Inline image 6
Parachute is open...
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Touchdown! She knows she doesn't need it, but KASE scientists insist she get used to the clunky suit, so she humors them.
A good first mission for KASE! Engineers and scientist have a better understanding of aerodynamics, and are prepared for the next step in rocketry.
Bubble Telescope I
The Bubble Telescope(Punny name, right?) is a long-range image capturing device. The main component is the KOMMAND-R Pictozoom 2000, which Ordan Industries donated to KASE, using the words,"This is the finest camera ever made by Kerbals. If you destroy this thing, we're suing you for all you've got." So, despite lack of live Kerbals, it was a high-pressure mission.
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BT-I in the VAB.
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BT-I on the launch pad. After this, my HUD disable button stopped working, I think it was a keybinding error.
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BT-I during Launch Stage 1.
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Bubble Orbiter Separating from the lower stage of the rocket.
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BT-I making the orbit burn.
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BT-I's orbit path.
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BT-I's protecting fairing being ejected.
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BT-I's Solar Panels Opening
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First pic from BT-I!
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Minmus is a very, very small white dot roughly center of screen. It will require fullscreen to see it properly.
Bubble Telescope II
BT-II is very similar to BT-I, actually identical except for some slight hardware upgrades, and will orbit much further out from Kerbin. It's primary goal will be to capture detailed pictures of Mun and occasionally pictures of Minmus. 
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BT-II on the launchpad.
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Orbital burn.
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BT-II's solar panels and telescope deploying.
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BT-II fully deployed and ready for tasking.
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BT-II's first picture is of Kerbin's large, outer moon, Minmus.
BT-II is currently in the process of a bi-elliptical transfer. It takes longer than a Hohmann transfer, but is much more efficient. More pictures will come in once it is in final position.
("Kerbin's large, outer moon, Minmus"-I later found out Minmus is smaller[?])
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The planet shown is most likely Jool, however, it could also be one of Jool's moons, Lathe. (Yeah Turner, it's Jool.)
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Shown is a picture of Eve, Kerbin's closest neighbor.
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Shown is Moho, the planet closest to Kerbol(the sun).
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This is a picture of Eve with Duna in the backround, or a picture of Duna with its moon visible. It is most likely the former, as Duna's moon is very, very small.
("Duna's moon is very, very small."-I also found this to be slightly untrue, while small, it is not as small as I thought, but I still don't know which of the two pictures it is.)
Stayputnik IV AB
Stayputnik IV's original purpose was to send to Stayputniks Alpha and Bravo to the Mun, where one would orbit and the other would be put on an impact trajectory. However, when lining up for Mun intercept, it was noticed that Minmus was in a perefect position to be explored. Thus, they were retasked, as such an opportunity is rare(kinda). This opportunity is so great, that even if Stayputnik IV fails to get into orbit around Minmus, projections show that it will likely encounter Mun on the way back to Kerbin. 
Flight (Stage 1)
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Stayputnik IV on the launchpad at the crack of dawn.
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Solid fuel boosters separate from the craft. (My radial decoups are finally working :D)
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S-IV with KASEC shown below.
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Sputnik IV's carrier separating from its lower stage.
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Burning to get ready for intercept.
It will be a little over one week KSP time before S-IV reaches Minmus. In other words, it could be a few days before more updates come out, or it could be sooner if I run out of things to do in the meantime.
More Mission logs coming soon. My people need me!



Edited by Spilled Vial
Explaining small lie.
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Stayputnik IV
This is just an update on the mission status. So far, things look doable, if not a little terrifying. I've got a burn in roughly 3 hours,unless I decide to warp there. After that, there's a wait of about 5 days KSP time until it reaches Minmus. 
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In that 5 day period, I'll probably work on rovers and satellites.
Kerbal Space Station I (Pre-TAC)
KSS-I will be an orbital satellite capable of housing Kerbals for long periods of time. KSS-I is specifically for science. More stations will be constructed in the future that will be used for utilities such as refueling for long-distance flights. One of the main components of KSS-I is a new device that will now be standard in all craft. This device has been dubbed "MechJeb". One day at KSC, scientists were surprised when Jebediah Kerman handed them a small metal box with lights on it and said, "If you don't know what to do, push the green button." Upon further analysis, it was discovered that MechJeb was an autopilot system, and it was put to use immediately.
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KSS-I core on the launchpad. I will be skipping over most of the launch because you've seen it all before.
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KSS-I core out of its fairing and burning for orbit.
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The core is full deployed and in orbit.
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KSS-I science wing on the launch pad.
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KSS-I science wing deployed and preparing for intercept.
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The science wing making final approach.
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15 meters and closing...
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Successful docking! KSS-I is halfway done. Next up are the storage and habitation wings. After that, we'll send up the first Kerbals.
Why does school keep me so busy? MOAR ON THE WAY! LATER!
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