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can't remove parts (carrer mode)

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the problem is, I can't pick up parts.

I have several mods installed including realism overhaul and many recommend mods. But there are no mods, that could do this, or?

I use a KSP 1.0.4 fresh install, since realism overhaul won't work with 1.0.5.

For some reason I can't make ingame screenshoots. When I paste them into paint everything is just black.


I set the first part: Rockomax Hubmax Multi-Point Connector

I add: non RO - J - Space Plane Cockpit

> the error occurs

I add: 1,25m Cockpit

> the error occurs


I tried restarting the game , but it's no solution.


The debug console via alt + f12 says, that there is an error when I try to left mouse click a part (see below):

Log: remove

[Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object



Thanks for solutions...

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The NullReferenceException is the problem.

You will need to find the KSP\KSP_Managed\output_log.txt file where there will be several lines of detail for that error and post it (or the entire file) so we can see what is going on.


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Looks like RealChute is throwing some exceptions. Try getting rid of it and see if its fixed


Just an FYI: You sometimes have to make sure to get the mod that is for the version of KSP you're playing. IE. using 1.0.5 mods for 1.0.4 can mess things up.

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