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[Stock] Peregrine Heavy

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Peregrine Heavy

It started off as a large bomber that during a failed attempted takeoff lost the entire back half, yet took of and flew fairly stably. I ditched the back half and touched up the back to improve maneuverability (not by much though). It has 13 basic jet engines in the back and 4 parachutes to help execute a safe (though extremely tricky) landing.

It can travel at about 150m/s at low altitudes.







Flight Tips

For such a heavy aircraft, it can take off fairly easily. Wait for it to get to around 50-60m/s and it should float right up without a problem. Careful with the tail though as it sticks out.

It is not very maneuverable do to the sheer power it contains along with its weight, so fancy moves are not likely to go well!

When landing it is extremely important to get as slow as possible before touching down. I suggest setting the jets to as low as possible before they shut off to level out ~100m above the ground, then cut them, glide until you dont get any slower, then deploy parachutes and hope to god that you can touch down gently!

This is one of the bigger things I have gotten to work without catastrophic failure (which ironically stemmed from the catastrophic failure of another craft :)) Try it out and tell me what you think!

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