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1.0.5 and collider trouble. NEED HELP!

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Found some spare time to check my mod in terms of proper updating.

BANTHA POODOO!!! It seems that KSP 1.0.5 is forcing convex colliders on all parts no matter what! :mad: Even though they are directly DISABLED in Unity model.

Most of  my mod parts have non-convex shape and non-convex colliders. And it was fine in 1.0.4 and before. Now everything that I try to attach directly on part's surface stays hanging in mid-air... 

Everything in my mod seems broken... rover bodies, lander tanks... EVERYTHING!

RISRU mod will be ruined by that bug too, as all side modules attach to non-convex base.

Did anyone found a workaround for that BUG? I can't update my mod if parts won't collide as they should.

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Possible workaround: using several independent convex colliders to emulate a single non-convex collider. Drone core part was made like that and seem to survive through 1.0.5 collider bug. Will try that.

Let's hope Squad will fix that. Forced convex colliders are part-breaking EVIL. And using lots of colliders instead of single one is no good at all.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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Only workaround I've seen is building lots of small convex colliders into the desired shape, but that can really consume resources if there get to be too many.

With the advent of Unity 5, all the colliders will have to be convex anyway, so there's no getting around this in the long run.


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Not a bug.
Apparently, Unity 5 is going to be convex only, and as such Squad has already converted since they were in the process of the update to U5.

AlphaAsh knows your pain, and may or may not join you for a mournful whisk(e)y in a pub near you.

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As I already said... bantha poodoo!

Tried to make some fixes with abovementioned workaround. It took 8 colliders to replace a single one when fixing LTS Mk2. EIGHT COLLIDERS, CARL!!!

And it will take TWELVE if people ask for upper ring to be fully surface-attacheable... insanity...

Edited by Dr. Jet
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Well, it's been better to use only convex colliders all along anyway. In U4, if two non-convex colliders came in contact, they'd pass right through each other. This is why they initially had problems with asteroids not interacting with each other properly. Also, non-convex colliders will fall right through the launch pad and runway.


But yeah, since U5 pretty much forces us to use convex colliders, there's no time like the present to convert things over.

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So instead of fixing their bugs with non-convex colliders, Unity decided to wimp out and deprecate them. Bah! That will break a ton of mods, anything and everything that involved putting things inside of other things, like 6S Tubes and various cargo frame+module parts.

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