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[WIP] German WWII rockets including never built absurdities


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Non denominational End of Year festive season message.

The last couple of months have been a bit of a mad house for me iRL.

I've been on Jury Duty with a long case that made me appreciate jury service more, but also would rather have skipped.  My 20 year old cat has passed away, but me and my wife and I have embarked on bringing up a puppy and kitten (and I'd like to sleep again now).  We had a long standing plan on replacing the carpets when the old cat passed, and so I then moved all our furniture off the carpet, had it replaced, and am slowly (cos I'm now broken from the initial carpet moving) moving stuff back to where it belongs.  My mother in law had a stroke and passed away.  Which was heaps of not-fun.

So, KSP things have been on hold for a bit.  Some time soon, I'm hoping for a return to normality, and a subsequent increase in time available for modding and maybe even playing KSP.  In particular, I have a few outstanding parts to complete* on the NAR MEM before I move to looking at better integration with other mods like BDB.  I need to go through some configs, esp for Space Opera and check heat issues for the converters, 'cos they all became different.  I have some test config that is currently crap, but working to get Rovers updated to optionally use KSP Wheels.  and so on.  Maybe even texture some Aggregate rocket parts.

But, for the next few days, I'm away from all this computer stuff me thinks.  Gonna search out air-conditioning or open air, breezy locations, drink some beverages, and eat some foods.  And sleep.  Perchance to dream, but I don't care, SLEEP!!!!  I recommend others do similar activities.  If you're north of the equator, maybe look for heating instead of cooling.  ;-)

Back in a few days.

* Complete being, nothing's horribly wrong with it, no parts are untextured, and it's "releasable".  Not equivalent to Finished.

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  • 3 months later...

Quick update on 1.4 compatibility.

It's *mostly* compatible.  From what I can tell, the FX on any use of the old RCS module results in the FX going the wrong way, and this is affecting some of the RCSish vents from wing pieces (there's no genuine RCS, but there are hints of directed venting of exhaust out A-10 wings, and I implemented that as RCS.

Other parts seem to work fine, but I'd wait for KJR before embarking on any A-12 flights.

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  • 4 months later...
1 hour ago, A E S T H E T I C said:

Hi, so I was using the A-4 rocket and for some reason, the color scheme for the rocket seems to be tinted yellow. it's more noticeable on the white areas. is there a way to fix it

Do you mean the yellow and black paint scheme? That's entirely on purpose as it was one of the post war test paint schemes. In particular, it's the only paint scheme I found where all the fins end up painted the same way.

If you have firespitter core installed, you can switch paint schemes to the familiar green.

If you're using 1.4+ I don't guarantee the fx for the rcs nozzles on the a-10 wing. The parts are being revamped in the background and the colour changing may end up being something I can do using the stock modules now.

Teaser V3mQZDV.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a go at making a custom plume for the revised A-4.  With the new version (not released, but lurking in files on github) there's a core plume and thrust, and the vanes gimbal independently and have sort of mini plumes that are supposed to represent "reflected" or redirected exhaust.  And accompanying thrust of course.  I also added some cold gas shrouding, as the A-4 piped some ethanol water mix into the engine bell.  It would have resulted in a similar shroud to what the giant Rocketdyne F-1 has, except not anywhere near as visible, and probably would have ignited earlier as it wasn't fuel rich gas generator exhaust, but actual unburnt fuel.  There's some limitations simulating all that in KSP/Unity of course, so it doesn't look quite right.  In the pic below, there's a small jet firing to the left of centre of the main plume, that's a gimbal diversion.  And hopefully you can spot the fuel cloud, which then turns into flame.



but what I did today was spend some hours tweaking my control section.  And then promptly didn't save the thing.  Which I must say is an outstanding piece of silliness on my part.

But, the other parts will be getting redone as well.  Although some may take longer if I end up redoing them all several times.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Love your mod. I have been busy privately in making a new techtree (for years now hahahaha). Starting from Balloons (kerballoons) to the last tech I can find on this forum. I was wondering if you would ever do the Aggregate A1 to A3? As they would fill the gap for sounding rockets nicely. Now I am using USI Sounding Rockets but it would be nicer to have a more classic analogue.

Good luck and thanks for your efforts!

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6 hours ago, waerth said:


Love your mod. I have been busy privately in making a new techtree (for years now hahahaha). Starting from Balloons (kerballoons) to the last tech I can find on this forum. I was wondering if you would ever do the Aggregate A1 to A3? As they would fill the gap for sounding rockets nicely. Now I am using USI Sounding Rockets but it would be nicer to have a more classic analogue.

Good luck and thanks for your efforts!

The short answer is yes. But with the a-1 and 2 you can really see where the term aggregate came from as a name, and it is a very non kerbal thing. So I've been wondering how I incorporate it.

There's a "thinking out loud" a-2 in the Dev on github, I think I skipped the a-1 because it never worked and might be doable with the same parts.

The a3, 5 and wasserfall are all on the to do list though.and because I realised I haven't shown it, prerelease revamp of the a4 is almost done.



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Well, a lot of the config is all wrong, and some of the parts don't fit together, and it's all untextured.  But the A-1/2 is there actually.  jEOByaw.png

It could definitely do with a different rocket plume



Found the blender file.  And lol, I put my own rocket together wrong.  Should be more like (with transparency enabled on the lower tank so you can see placement of the engine)


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38 minutes ago, halowraith1 said:

what made you go to the black/white peenemunde scheme for the v2? also in the current release the a6 ramjet is too weak to propel the complete craft for an extended period of time. is this intended?

I changed to the black and white because its iconic. But it's a separate layer and I fully intend to make colour switching available for other schemes. Pre revamp the base colour was the post war black and yellow test pattern. Or plain old olive green. I do want to get the yellow and black back in. And maybe a kerbal green.

The ramjet is intended to be really hard to use. But if you use varying altitude you can get a heel of a long way on it. I had a lot of trouble balancing it for realism overhaul, as the intake is really too small. So I mostly tried to impart some of that horror back into the stock config.

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I had a go at improving the A2.  I'll need to revise the textures, as I had a hitchhiker's grade misjudgement of scale, and the pixel density is now off by a factor of 3.  Which isn't horrible considering how small the whole thing is, but with it just a teeny bit closer I can fit it all on a smaller texture atlas.


The gaps between components are filled by fairings (that if you could manage to stage would fall off).  I also did some calculations on the ISP, based off knowing the thrust, propellant mass and burn time, it comes to around 135sec. So, about on par with a modern cold gas thruster.  The real world TWR was actually pretty good though, at around 4 for the whole thing, when fully fueled.  I'll be nerfing both for stock, but the contrast in TWR and ISP compared to modern rockets is quite the thing.


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cool, what sort of altitude do the smaller rockets get to?

On 10/10/2018 at 12:07 AM, TiktaalikDreaming said:

The ramjet is intended to be really hard to use. But if you use varying altitude you can get a heel of a long way on it.

still, maybe it could do with a few 'tech level upgrades' for RO like the A4 and A10 engines for better efficiency and higher thrust.

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21 hours ago, halowraith1 said:

cool, what sort of altitude do the smaller rockets get to?

still, maybe it could do with a few 'tech level upgrades' for RO like the A4 and A10 engines for better efficiency and higher thrust.

The a2 gets a few hundred m and then falls straight back down. I need to make at least some of it a bit more resilient as the method for recovering data was to pick up the pieces after.

I actually want the bad performance. A big reason for having the mod is to highlight how far rockets have come. A sort of pre-0-tech progression. That's not to say there's no room for upgraded parts. The a10 and greater are all purely speculative and depended on advances in the engines. But for now, I want to focus on things even earlier than the A4.



I do need to fix the A-10 up, the rcs nozzles have been broken since 1.4 launched, and it's getting a bit silly that it's still not good.

Edited by TiktaalikDreaming
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I've got to the point that I just need colliders and some invented config and parts for the A3 and A5 can make it into the game as test pieces.


I'm unsure if I should provide the antennenring as a separate part, possibly with attach points for the A3 or A5 fins.  At the moment it's just modelled as part of the A3 fin.  AFAIK the A5 fin just included a small antenna.  But that's really just based on supposition and knowing that's that how they handled the A4 antennae.  Being able to attach the 1920's futuristic style ring antenna to the A5 might be kinda cool though.  Doing the A3 (which failed every time, but in useful ways) does remind me of the A9, which looked so cool and futuristic, but that aerodynamics show was insanely stupid.  Don't let the artists design hypersonic craft.  Unless you want to die.  But by golly if you want to look really cool while dying, they're the ones to get to design your craft.

Also, google translate thinks Steuermaschine is "Tax Machine".  Which is kinda hilarious.  It's unsurprisingly better translated as steering machine.

Edited by TiktaalikDreaming
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I've packed a non release release on github ;


This is a revamped a4, a mostly done a2, pretexturing A3 and a5 for KSP 1.2-1.5.1.  The other parts I don't know how they fare in even 1.4, except the rcs on the A10 wings is broken from 1.4 onwards. Use with caution.

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OK, yesterday I marked this as 1.4/1.5 kompatible.  When building a zip to upload, I managed to mash old and new parachute parts, which resulted in new config and the old model, and I'd changed the parachute canopy name.  Which resulted in no animation, just a permanently open chute.

After uploading it, I downloaded, installed on a fresh install/copy and tested it.  I noticed the issue, but I had to leave for work.  While on the bus I realized what I'd done, and fixed it from my phone by deleting a couple of files from the zip.  In those two hours (max, not really sure), Mr Kottobos downloaded it and made this video... dammit;



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