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Quantum Entanglement, omnithread


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Im starting this thread because various and sundry other threads have sort of objectives not related to quantum entanglement itself (not because they are necrotic) and because we lost all the tags on the old threads and only the threads original author can add those tags.

This particular post deals with time travel.

http://sciencetrib.com/2015/12/computing-with-time-travel/ (Don't click this unless you want to be click-baited to hell).

The article is from the scientific tribune. (more appropriately called nested spamming of science news). The original article is here:

Basically they send messages back in time but do not open them until after they sent them. There is debate about actually opening a message would disrupt causality and quantum mechanics would somehow stop it.


And it’s not only family ties that are threatened. Breaking the causal flow of time has consequences for quantum physics too. Over the past two decades, researchers have shown that foundational principles of quantum physics break in the presence of closed timelike curves: you can beat the uncertainty principle, an inherent fuzziness of quantum properties, and the no-cloning theorem, which says quantum states can’t be copied.- http://sciencetrib.com/2015/12/computing-with-time-travel/

One of the paradoxes can be removed by traveling in 'open timelike curves'. Closed timelike curve is : "time-travelling quantum computer could  travelaround paths through the fabric of spacetime that loop back on themselves. General relativity allows such paths to exist through contortions in spacetime known as wormholes. IOW these wormholes work under a very limited set of circumstances dependent on the fields that initiated them. Because they never reach back into their own past:


That’s because they don’t allow direct interaction with anything in the object’s own past: the time travelling particles (or data they contain) never interact with themselves. Nevertheless, the strange quantum properties that permit ‘impossible’ computations are left intact. “We avoid ‘classical’ paradoxes, like the grandfathers paradox, but you still get all these weird results,” says Mile Gu, who led the work. -http://sciencetrib.com/2015/12/computing-with-time-travel/

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