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Kerman & Kotch Aerospace


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Welcome one and all to the Kerman & Kotch Aerospace Showcase. Here you will find anything ranging from simple aircraft, to massive rockets designed to take payloads far into space. Possibly a few rovers, cars, trucks, and the occasional boat.

*all craft are assumed to be in good working order however I am not liable for any of the following: Property damage, Loss of life or limb, Violation of any laws, and or regulations regarding to the operation of any craft acquired through the showcase, or requested from their creators. Any facts or opinions listed here are not those of Myself, My friends, our  wives, children, or religious sanctioning bodies, but they are the opinions of Michael Jackson, as told to me by my pet ferret Sir Snuffikins.

Below you will find an album including Craft that are currently available for your enjoyment.


Currently Available Craft


Although considered a bit posh, nothing beats riding on the wings of a luxurious, and majestic Eagle


Have you ever wanted to impress the ladies while riding in style? then this is the craft for you. While it was once used for shooting down bombers of rival space programs, it has now been fitted with a Pattent Pending CHICK MAGNET. *May not actually have a CHICK MAGNET.


The K2 is Kerman & Kotch's Premier surveillance plane. It comes standard with drop tanks to allow you to reach those sometimes hard to reach locations that just have to be surveyed.




Ah the Burningham. Once a bomber used to eliminate rival space programs, it has now been *retrofitted for other uses such as, science gather, scaring your neighbors, and just a fun flight around town. While not the most agile craft, it made up for it by "carrying the biggest stick. " *retrofitting not guaranteed with every purchase - may still contain war time leftovers including live bombs. Kerman & Kotch is not responsible for any harm that may come from use of this aircraft.

Attack Boat





One of Robert Kermans favorites! This short range craft provides years of enjoyment packed in every flight. Whether you run out of fuel over land or sea, there is nothing more enjoyable than an unexpected landing. *note, drop tanks have been included to help prevent such landings.

Aerosport 3500

The Aerosport 3500 is Kerman & Kotch's first attempt at a short range civilian recreational aircraft. Alother many kerbals who wished to take to the skies purchased them, they quickly fell out of use as many of their owners felt that not being able to leave the runway at full throttle was just ridiculous, especially considering its high chance of explosion, and lack of rooms for snacks.


For when you want to ride around the complex in style!




As Always I appreciates your interest, and as soon as we wait enough time to title more vehicles at the DMV without applying for a dealers license, we will continue to bring you more craft to enjoy.

Edited by DrMarlboro
roleplay, even though It wasn't intended to be.
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53 minutes ago, 073198681 said:

Kerman and Kotch? Shouldn't it be Keckler and Kotch instead? And isn't that a reference to a firearms manufacturer? Just asking...

hah... yes, and yes. But I couldn't say Keckler and Kotch with a straight face, and the first thing I made a year or so back under the name was a lance missile.. If that makes things better.

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1 hour ago, 073198681 said:

It certainly does.

So. Your planes are completely amazing, and I would desperately like to see how they function in FAR. How did you manage to bend the K-11's nose downwards?

Thanks! I honestly have no idea how they would fair in far but I've been thinking about giving it a try. I'm mostly concerned that they will rip them selves apart without an increase in mass strength which may change the way they fly alittle, and I know a few of them (most notably the k11) would need the elevators to be limited to prevent AoA bobbing. 

The nose is actually quite simple. All you have to do is assemble the radome, cockpit, and tail, then use the rotation tool to slightly turn the cockpit. It works best with the tail as the root part.

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1 hour ago, DrMarlboro said:

Thanks! I honestly have no idea how they would fair in far but I've been thinking about giving it a try. I'm mostly concerned that they will rip them selves apart without an increase in mass strength which may change the way they fly alittle, and I know a few of them (most notably the k11) would need the elevators to be limited to prevent AoA bobbing. 

Give it a try. They look like they would work in some way under FAR. First, try them out as they are, then you can adjust them. It's a nice idea.

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