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Request for custom Filter Extensions config


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I am looking for someone to make a custom config for the Filter Extensions mod, with new categories and subcategories (I heard that you can make subcategories with Filter Extensions; could someone explain this further to me?)

If someone could help, that would be great, as I don't have the knowledge to make my own configs.

Part Mods:


Asteroid Day
Buffalo MSEV
Cryogenic Engines
Dmagic Orbital Science
Heat Control
Kerbal Aircraft Extension
Kerbal Atomics
Kerbal Attachment System
Kerbal Inventory System
Near Future Construction
Near Future Electrical
Near Future Propulsion
Near Future Solar
Near Future Spacecraft
OSE Workshop
Procedural Fairings
Procedural Fairings Extended
Procedural Parts
Procedural Parts Extended
Surface Experiment Pack
Surface Lights
Tundra Exploration
USI Alcubierre Drive
USI Life Support
Ven's Stock Revamp




The "^" symbol designates a tab as a subcategory.

^ Crewed Control - Crewed parts with command capability like the Mk 3 cockpit or the Mk 1-2 pod
^ Crew Habitation - Crewed parts without command capability like the science lab, crew cabins and the Hitchhiker
^ Probe Cores - Various probe cores, as well as the avionics nosecone
^ Remote Communication - Transmitters and antennae

^ Aircraft Tanks - Aircraft fuel tanks (Aircraft adapters not included)
^ General Fuel Tanks - General rocket fuel tanks
^ Monopropellent Tanks - Various monopropellent tanks
^ Rocket Engines - Rocket engines
^ Solid Rockets - SRBs
^ Nuclear Engines - The LV-N and other nuclear engines
^ Electric Engines - The stock ion engine, as well as other electrical engines
^ Atmospheric Propulsion - Jet engines, air intakes, balloons and propellers

^ Adapters - Stack adapters, as well as aircraft adapters
^ Construction - Struts, girder segments, docking ports, the launch stability enhancer and any other structural bits.
^ Decouplers and Separators - This should be easy to figure out
^ Storage - Cargo bays, service bays, KIS containers, OSE Workshop tanks, and the Mk3 ramp

^ Electrical - Solar panels, batteries, fuel cells, lights and the RTG (Basically anything having to do with electricity)
^ Heat Management - Radiators and heatsinks, as well as heat shields
^ Resource Collection - ISRU equipment and resource scanners
^ Surface Utilities - Ladders, landing legs, landing gear, rover wheels, KAS parts as well as the command chair
^ Precision Control - RCS thrusters and reaction wheels
^ Science! - Science parts and ScanSat scanners (Not the science lab, as that goes in Crew Storage)
^ Engineering - All other KIS parts and the OSE Workshop part

^ Wings - Wings and wing segments
^ Aerodynamic Control - Winglets and control surfaces
^ Nose Cones and Fairings - Self-explanatory
^ Velocity Management - Parachutes and AIRBRAKES

I apologize for me having to ask someone to do this, and for the very large mod list (I went a little crazy after hearing that 64 bit would allow many more mods), but I don't have any modding or config-ing experience (or the patience and time to write dozens of lines of text :wink: ).



Edited by Laythe Dweller
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18 hours ago, Laythe Dweller said:

with new categories and subcategories (I heard that you can make subcategories with Filter Extensions; could someone explain this further to me?)

In FE terminology, categories are the high level sets that aren't visible by default in a stock game (eg. Filter by Function), and subcategories are the things that you normally think of as having the parts (eg. Engines). I have done some setup so that if we ever get a third (or higher) tier, FE can also support that but the stock GUI doesn't at this stage (much to my disappointment...).

The following builds off the default structure and is just me writing from memory so there may be a few errors (it's also incomplete since I don't have all the time in the world right now)

		list = 0, Manned Command // crewed parts with a command module
		list = 1, Passengers // crewed parts without a command module
        list = 2, Drone // probes
        list = 3, Remote Communication // antennae + scanners

		list = 0, Adapters Ex.
        list = 1, Structural Utils
		list = 2, Decouplers
        list = 3, Cargo Bay

	@name = Aerodynamics
		list = 0, Wings
		list = 1, Control Surface
		list = 2, Nose Cones, Fairings
        // list = 3, Velocity Management // Parachutes + Airbrakes

	name = Utilities
    icon = stockicon_utility
    colour = #FF90F090
    all = true
    	list = 0, Electrical Ex.
        list = 1, Thermal
        list = 2, ISRU Ex.
        // list = 3, Ladders, Landing Legs, Landing Gear, Rover Wheels, KAS, Command Chair
        // list = 4, RCS, Reaction Wheels
        // list = 5, Science

///////////////   SUBCATEGORIES   /////////////////////////

	name = Remote Communication
    icon = DataTransmitter
        	type = subcategory
            value = Data Transmitter, Scanners

	name = Adaptor Ex.
    icon = Adaptor
        	type = subcategory
            value = Adaptor, Multicoupler

	name = Structural Utils
    icon = stockicon_structural
        	type = subcategory
            value = Strut, Girder, Docking Ports, Launch Clamp, Ladders

	name = Electrical Ex.
    icon = ElectricCharge
        	type = subcategory
            value = Solar Panels, Generators, Power Storage, Lights

	name = Thermal
    icon = Ablative_Shield
        	type = subcategory
            value = Ablative Heat Shields
        	type = moduleName
            value = ModuleActiveRadiator

	name = ISRU Ex.
    icon = Drill
        	type = subcategory
            value = Resource Processor, Resource Extractors, Scanners


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4 hours ago, Crzyrndm said:

In FE terminology, categories are the high level sets that aren't visible by default in a stock game (eg. Filter by Function), and subcategories are the things that you normally think of as having the parts (eg. Engines). I have done some setup so that if we ever get a third (or higher) tier, FE can also support that but the stock GUI doesn't at this stage (much to my disappointment...).

The following builds off the default structure and is just me writing from memory so there may be a few errors (it's also incomplete since I don't have all the time in the world right now)

		list = 0, Manned Command // crewed parts with a command module
		list = 1, Passengers // crewed parts without a command module
        list = 2, Drone // probes
        list = 3, Remote Communication // antennae + scanners

		list = 0, Adapters Ex.
        list = 1, Structural Utils
		list = 2, Decouplers
        list = 3, Cargo Bay

	@name = Aerodynamics
		list = 0, Wings
		list = 1, Control Surface
		list = 2, Nose Cones, Fairings
        // list = 3, Velocity Management // Parachutes + Airbrakes

	name = Utilities
    icon = stockicon_utility
    colour = #FF90F090
    all = true
    	list = 0, Electrical Ex.
        list = 1, Thermal
        list = 2, ISRU Ex.
        // list = 3, Ladders, Landing Legs, Landing Gear, Rover Wheels, KAS, Command Chair
        // list = 4, RCS, Reaction Wheels
        // list = 5, Science

///////////////   SUBCATEGORIES   /////////////////////////

	name = Remote Communication
    icon = DataTransmitter
        	type = subcategory
            value = Data Transmitter, Scanners

	name = Adaptor Ex.
    icon = Adaptor
        	type = subcategory
            value = Adaptor, Multicoupler

	name = Structural Utils
    icon = stockicon_structural
        	type = subcategory
            value = Strut, Girder, Docking Ports, Launch Clamp, Ladders

	name = Electrical Ex.
    icon = ElectricCharge
        	type = subcategory
            value = Solar Panels, Generators, Power Storage, Lights

	name = Thermal
    icon = Ablative_Shield
        	type = subcategory
            value = Ablative Heat Shields
        	type = moduleName
            value = ModuleActiveRadiator

	name = ISRU Ex.
    icon = Drill
        	type = subcategory
            value = Resource Processor, Resource Extractors, Scanners


Oh wow, thanks! So this works with mods (or it will when complete?)

Also, how will the subcategory thing work now, and will it change with the 1.1 UI overhaul?

Edited by Laythe Dweller
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FE is as far as I could make it, fully compatible with any mod (or can be made so without any changes to the plugin). Of course, the problem with being overly generic is that it can't look for a lot of specific things (about 90% certain it can't tell surface and orbital scanners apart for example). The majority of what it does is just look for a certain module and either include or exclude by the presence of that module (and then the other 20 odd identification methods augment that where possible). The trick here is that I'm using subcategories that ship with the mod to identify things for your subcategories that already work with a large number of mods.

20 minutes ago, Laythe Dweller said:

how will the subcategory thing work now

Categories go in the first column, subcategories in the second. They turn up under the stock ones

20 minutes ago, Laythe Dweller said:

will it change with the 1.1 UI overhaul?

If (big if) I can add a third layer to the 1.1 UI, I will do so and rewrite the shipping FE configs to take advantage of that. If I can't do that but someone else does, I will try to support that. That's all I can do at the moment.

Edited by Crzyrndm
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2 minutes ago, Crzyrndm said:

FE is as far as I could make it, fully compatible with any mod. Of course, the problem with being overly generic is that it can't look for a lot of specific things (about 90% certain it can't tell surface and orbital scanners apart for example). The majority of what it does is just look for a certain module and either include or exclude by the presence of that module (and then the other 20 odd identification methods augment that where possible). The trick here is that I'm using subcategories that ship with the mod to identify things for your subcategories that already work with a large number of mods.

Categories go in the first column, subcategories in the second. They turn up under the stock ones

If (big if) I can add a third layer to the 1.1 UI, I will do so and rewrite the shipping FE configs to take advantage of that. If I can't do that but someone else does, I will try to support that. That's all I can do at the moment.

Thanks so much for your work! Hopefully 1.1 will allow greater control of the part menu, but it will probably break Filter Extensions for a while, so you might not want to put in a lot of time right now as it probably will not work after 1.1.

Thanks so much!

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