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How properly use portable scanner?


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Recently i bought portable scanner.


 it's designed for scanning books, sadly most of my scan are blurry and completely unreadable :-(



My question how scan books and with is better resolution i have three settings LO-low -Mi-Medium and Hi-High  default are LO-Low  but i always switch to high. 


Edited by Pawelk198604
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Scanners like this take some practice. While scanning it is important to maintain a constant distance, angle and speed. And make sure your text is laid as flat as possible. Both the left and right side of your book are clearly out of focus. High end models might be able to compensate for minor flaws but you'll never get the same results as a flatbed scanner.
My advice? Practice, practice practice. (Or simply take a picture with your phone.)

Personally I would have never bought a handheld scanner. A decent quality flatbed scanner can be bought for well under €100.

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20 minutes ago, Tex_NL said:

Scanners like this take some practice. While scanning it is important to maintain a constant distance, angle and speed. And make sure your text is laid as flat as possible. Both the left and right side of your book are clearly out of focus. High end models might be able to compensate for minor flaws but you'll never get the same results as a flatbed scanner.
My advice? Practice, practice practice. (Or simply take a picture with your phone.)

Personally I would have never bought a handheld scanner. A decent quality flatbed scanner can be bought for well under €100.


Yes but i cannot take own flatbed scanner to library, they have their own, but they charging fees for using it :-(

So i bought handheld scanner :)

Edited by Pawelk198604
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34 minutes ago, pincushionman said:

You know what I would use instead? A digital camera, and a small tripod. Make sure you have permission to do this, too.

Taking a picture, scanning or photocopying. It all comes down to the same thing. If they allow one (or possible offer it), they have no choice but to allow all other.

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2 hours ago, Tex_NL said:

Taking a picture, scanning or photocopying. It all comes down to the same thing. If they allow one (or possible offer it), they have no choice but to allow all other.

By "this" I meant "digitally reproduce content in the library's posession, by any means," not specifically use a camera.

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