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Looking for specific delta-V "recorder" addon...


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Firstly I hope this "request" is at right place in KSP forum.

I'm looking for an in-flight addon who indicates cumulated delta-V since launch (sort of flight recorder) ?

Most existing addons I know, like MechJeb 2 or KER, can only display remaining delta-v for current stage and/or remaining stages, but not applied dV since launch. Hope I'm clear in this explanation...

Thanks in advance for your help/advice.

Edited by DomiKamu
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Actually, MechJeb is able to do exactly this. This feature is present in the mod, just not in any of the preset windows. To have MJ record the dV expended, all you have to do is go to the custom window editor and create a new window for yourself and then add it in. I believe that it is under the "Recorder" tab in the custom window editor. You can also have it list how much dV was lost to steering losses and drag losses, which is amazingly helpful when trying to make your ascent trajectory more efficient. Hope this helps!

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Fantastic Razgriz1!

Exactly as you've explained!

I confirm you it's ΔV expended parameter, found from "Recorder" category (pulldown menu) while customizing window, you've right!

Bravo and thank you very much!

Edited by DomiKamu
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