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Are dyson spheres dangerous?

daniel l.

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17 hours ago, SomeGuy123 said:

Nobody would build a physical dyson sphere.  Why would they?  Why not just convert all the solid matter in a solar system to either free flying solar arrays or robots and computers and whatever else a civilization at this level wants to play with.

Perhaps they are a Kardashev Level 3 civilization... Who knows? Perhaps a literal galactic empire (I mean on a much bigger scale than Star Wars. Billions of systems rather than thousands) has more than enough resources to slap a few of these things together.

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Well... Stars release huge amounts of power. But harnessing it is extremely difficult. For us, that is. Another civ with more advanced tech and more power to throw around could probably start it, and use the power from the first modules to help with the other modules, until it's complete.

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