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got a problem with blender

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So I made a model in sketchup (cuz I know how to use that) and wanted to texture it using blender. So I exported it as .dae from sketchup and then imported it from .dae into blender, watched tutorials on how to unwrap it into the texture editor and did that. yet not all faces of the model got unwrapped.

See here the model: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kbaZcFsjDonF7_gww6lY16SHqxNZqbY6p8MA-6WQQZA/edit

You see that the indented windows are missing from the unwrapped UV map.

what do I do?

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4 hours ago, noonespecial said:

Did you create seams for the windows, or are they unwrapping as part of the total mesh?

I drew the shape of the windows on the model in sketchup, and the I used the push/pull tool to make the windows. After importing and exporting, I did nothing in blender except selecting everything (I pressed A, maybe that went wrong, I dont know) and unwrapping it.


Edit: wait, the windows aren't even part of the model.:0.0: 


So that is why it didn't unwrap.  But I don't understand why blender cuts a model open by itself, as I didn't even make it in blender.

Edited by nikokespprfan
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There's not one single button that you're missing...  but the bad news is that unwrapping a model is practically NEVER as easy as tapping 'a' then 'u' then clicking and calling it done.  

I suggest you look at some blender unwrapping tutorials.  Specifically, understand the various options on the unwrap menu (MOST things can be done with some combination of 'unwrap' 'smart UV project' and 'project from view').  

If you used smart uv project, your results are similar to what I'd expect.  Blender cuts the model up using it's best guesses for the seams based on angle of curvature and gives you what you get.

If you used unwrap to get what you're showing us... then I'd say that the sketchup to blender process left some vertexes unconnected.  Try, in edit mode, selecting your whole model then going to Mesh>Vertices>Remove Doubles.  That will stitch together any unconnected points. 

In Blender you need to tell the program where to cut the model, by selecting the edges that will get cut and telling it to "Mark Seam" (the seam will turn red.)  

And frequently you'll unwrap pieces at a time - select all the faces that need to unwrap together and unwrap just them, then select the next section and unwrap them...  doing the whole model at once is a bit optimistic for all but the simplest of shapes!

Then you drag all the pieces around on the UV Layout until the space is used efficiently.

All the details are beyond the forum post, but that should be all the things you need to get out of a tutorial - the projection modes, marking seams, stitching things together, unwrapping in pieces, and laying out the UVs once they're unwrapped. 


Unwrapping is my least favorite part of modelling but you'll get there!

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