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Getting to Minmus and back.

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So I have just achieved a sucessful Mun landing and made it back to Kerbin. After doing that a couple times I feel I should move on. So I decided to shoot for Minmus. So first I tried it on my own, but realized Minmus is on a different orbital plane than Kerbin and the Mun. So I watched tons of YouTube videos with no luck. None of them were really too clear on how to land on Minmus. So now my last resort is this forum. So how can I do this? How do I get on the same orbital plane, and how do I know when to start burning to reach Minmus.

P.S. If one person answers me I still want others to give me their opinion on how to get there.

Thanks! :)

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I honestly just make sure whatever rocket I build will have enough spare fuel for me to make a lot of correction burns. I get out to a point near Minmus\' orbit where Minmus is approaching me, and I turn my nose straight at the little bugger and start firing. It\'s worked the last two (and only) times I tried it, and I put a lander on the surface each time. However, I wouldn\'t exactly recommend this advice as anything other than a last ditch.

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To change your orbital inclination, you want to do a burn 90 degrees from your direction of travel, inline with the direction you wish to change the inclination of the orbit. For a plane change to match the orbit of Minmus, I do a correction at Kerbin periapsis. You can do a test burn while in the map screen to make sure that you\'re pointed in the right direction (if not, turn engine off and re-orient 180 degrees).

This fella posted a video with a nice'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR0jq85nVwg&list=UUxzC4EngIsMrPmbm6Nxvb-A&index=7&feature=plcp']nice illustration here.

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fly heading 45 degrees.

also, use the same rocket you used to get to the mun, and make sure to rink some food for your kerbals.

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Burn out to meet Minmus, then burn either normal or anti normal to change the plane. This means if you were in a 90 degree orbit, burn at 0 degrees or 180 degrees. You want to do this around halfway there if you are going straight for Minmus.

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