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Roscosmos dissolved


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On 12/28/2015 at 7:27 PM, A35K said:

Maybe the title of this thread should be changed to something like 'Roscosmos re-nationalised' or something like that,  because currently it sounds rather too sensationalistic, when I read it I interpreted it as 'Russia shutting down space program' which is NOT what is happening.

Problem is, your interpretation is equally wrong. Roscosmos was the federal space agency, it was (and remains, in a different form) an arm of government; it was about as nationalised as it is possible for anything to be.

Edited by Kryten
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Rogozin today announced the creation of a new super-heavy rocket Roscosmos, the Phoenix-based missiles, is the one that was supposed to be on the Soyuz 5.



How strange to believe them, I believe that this block (Phoenix) was conceived long ago, but instead of 2 trillion budget for 10 years, was reduced to 1.4 trillion, and if as reported in one source lunar program is completely removed it himself Rogozin said that the lunar program cut, but it is not removed ... Oh my God what they do ...

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Fenix is not super-heavy, it's a new medium class vehicle to replace existing Soyuz variants. It does allow preservation of technology (most notably the RD-0164 FFSC methalox engine) that could be in used in an SHLV in the future.

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5 hours ago, Kryten said:

Fenix is not super-heavy, it's a new medium class vehicle to replace existing Soyuz variants. It does allow preservation of technology (most notably the RD-0164 FFSC methalox engine) that could be in used in an SHLV in the future.

I know that Phoenix is not super-heavy rocket :) He thinks like Zenit for Energia first and then the phoenix heavy development center, and the unit will play the role of Phoenix side accelerators.
But I do not believe that it will come down to the paper, as is the case in the Russian space ... :-\

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On 12/30/2015 at 8:57 AM, DECQ said:

I know that Phoenix is not super-heavy rocket :) He thinks like Zenit for Energia first and then the phoenix heavy development center, and the unit will play the role of Phoenix side accelerators.
But I do not believe that it will come down to the paper, as is the case in the Russian space ... :-\

Not to mention Soyuz-5 is only a proposal- it's just as likely that a more evolutionary Soyuz will be pursued, like Soyuz 2-3 or Soyuz-3


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On December 28, 2015 at 9:16 AM, PB666 said:

Looks like 2020 before US will have a manned launch capability so  . . . . . . .

This is incorrect.  Funds have been made available to ensure commercial crew comes online in 2017, even with the provision to use Soyuz money to make it happen on time if needed.

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