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[Request] What we need is a Mobile Processing Lab care & feeding mod


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Having just run a long science mission through most of Jool's moons, I'd really have appreciated a care & feeding mod for the MPL, and figured I'd share my thoughts with anyone who is suddenly inspired to make a mod :) (My coding skills are completely inadequate)

The MPL is all well and good, but its manual interactions leave something to be desired. Notably, keeping the stupid thing full of data is really annoying. By the end of the mission, I had 170+ individual pieces of data, so I'd need to click through every single one to try to find something that fit in the data buffer, and clicking the green button to keep, which of course bounces up and down depending on if you've analyzed it or not. Sometimes the window would shift slightly, and I'd accidentally delete a result.

So, my ideal mod would just look at my potential data pile, find one with the correct size to fill the data tank, and auto-keep the rest. It'd also be neat to be able to set accurate KAL reminders to transmit the science tank, based on current production and expected falloff in the data tank.

Would anyone else be interested in such a thing?

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