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My first truly working spaceplane (more like airplane though) - Flairiet

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After so many crashes, failed landings, and anything else that happened, I have come to present my first truly functional spaceplane (non-orbital, so more like a working airplane). The Flairiet!

After studying some information from online sources and Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Yes, the latter also contains information about parts of certain aircraft), I was finally able to achieve a pretty stable flight (though too much rolling can still have a bit of stability issues if not careful). You can even land with it as long proper care is taken. Due to a lack of any avionics package, you may need a bit of skill at landing this craft. However, not too much skill is required. ;D

Thought I would go ahead and also share the craft design for those who want to study from it or even tweak it.




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I suggest using some hardpoints to mount some gear on the wings, otherwise, when you land, it could tip over and crash.

I\'ll give hardpoints a try for landing gears in future air/space plane designs. Might make it easier to install landing gears.

Edit: Now I see how they work. I thank you for that advice sss. ;D

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