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Help me answer some questions regarding gamepads

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So today I've tried my 360 controller with ksp.


Everything works great except two things.


First with rockets. Is it possible to map a button to my joystick that would switch between staging mode and docking mode? I'm asking this because I want to map the camera controls to my right stick but if I do that I loose my translation controls.


EDIT: I've mapped my translation controls so that they are the same as the rotation ones. Is this the correct way of doing this. I've done this since I found a key that switched between rotation/translation in docking mode. My next question is how to bind a key for a docking mode.


I cant for the likes of me have kerbal turn left or right on EVA? There are some analogue mappings there but they don't seem to be working.

How do you guys have your gamepads mapped. Any tips are welcome.



Edited by Denco
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  • 4 weeks later...

The analog mappings for kerbals on EVA are only for the backpack.
These could also be used for analog walking in an older version. Sadly, that's gone now.

I've also tried to map the camera to the right stick, though it annoys me that it's relative movement and not absolute.
So now, when you let go of the stick, the camera stays where you put it, where in absolute mode it would return to the center.

This is my preferred mapping of the Xbox controller (non-rocket):

Left stick: Throttle (incremental) and Yaw (also yaw rover), everything 1/3 deadzone
Right stick: Roll and Pitch, both 1/4 deadzone
Left trigger: Throttle rover (reverse)
Right trigger: Throttle rover
Left stick button: Zero Throttle
Right stick button: Gear
POV: Camera!

Left bumper: Brake
Right bumber: Action group (mostly abort since that's available sooner than the rest in career)
A: Stage
B: SAS toggle
X: RCS toggle
Y: Optional function (mostly action group 1 or 2)
Select: Map
Start: Pauze

Hope this'll help you out!

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