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[Stock] Space Plane Orbiter

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After spending an entire week trying to construct a space plane that can achieve orbit and stay there I kept telling myself it was impossible with stock parts. Well, it isn\'t, and I did it. I spent a lot of time trying to construct one with the SundayPunch parts pack and kept making the mistake of trying to place rocket engines on top and below the fuselage instead of straight out the back. After many hours of dead kerbals and nosedives into the runway I finally built something that could achieve orbit. Once I realized that most of the mod parts I had added were mostly cosmetic, I retuned the ship to run completely on stock parts. Here\'s a youtube video showing my 4th or 5th successful flight.

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If you\'re interested in tips for improving this thing, I can offer some.

The first and most important is this: don\'t bother with the basic jet engine. It\'s not very powerful, and the turbojet engine is better than it in almost every way. For going up into orbit you will want turbojets.

The combination of turbojets and aerospike rockets is a very good one, and would likely allow you to get this thing into orbit whole, with only minor changes to its design and no bits dropping off on the way up.

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