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Fuel cells need a tweak?

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Let's compare fuel cells and fuel cell arrays:

  Cell 6 cells Array
Mass 0.05t 0.3t 0.24t
Charge 1.5/s 9/s 18/s

So, an array produces twice the charge of 6 cells but for less mass.

This means that in a common useage of providing power for two ion engines you need either one array (0.24t) or 12 cells (0.6t). Or if powering just one ion engine it is lighter to use an array (0.24t) and waste half it's charge potential than to use the needed 6 cells (0.3t).

I wouldn't say that the array is over-powered, it does an adequate job and no more. So, it seems to me, that the fuel cell is lacking. Either it is overweight or should produce more charge or both. 

A simple idea might be to make the fuel cell 1/6th of an array; visibly it seems that way already. That would mean a mass of 0.04t and a charge output of 3/s. 

That would at least make fuel cells a useful alternative to the array and allow for more design choices, particularly for small ion-powered craft that look pretty bad with huge, awkward fuel cell arrays bolted on. 

Edited by Foxster
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That is the feeling the get with every ion craft.

Basically, Ion craft are extremely slow, or be too heavy to be beneficial compared to nerv or spark engines. In my opinion, they should only be used at minmus for fun (not efficiently), or planets closer to the sun where the solar panels get more efficient. Moho is great ;). At all other planets it seems better to use conventional engines and save weight. 

I did try to use the fuels cells to mine on few Jool moons. It seemed to be working great, but then, when the oxidizer ran out, 2 RTG's did the job, with the help of time acceleration. That makes fuel cells only usable for ion propulsion. I do see the synergy in the item: works in the dark, has electricity storage and generation and is lighter than the solar panel.

I have used it at the dark side of planets and yes, it does help a bit.

But it still doesnt seem to make ion craft usable at any other place than Gilly and Moho. I feel like this part was made to change that. Probably more patient players have different stories, but I agree: This part might need some tweaking. 

I would go a bit further and suggest to reduce the electric consumption for ion engines. Making ion a bit more playable altogether. This would also reduce the total size of the cells for Foxster.

Edited by Knaapie
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