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Using gedit for config writing - speeding things up ten fold


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Here I am again, with another modding tutorial.  This time, I'll be showing you how to use gedit to quickly write configs.  Trust me on this, it's faster than Notepad++.  First off, you're going to need to download and install gedit which you can download for free here.  Gedit is 100% free and open source, and if you are running Linux, chances are, you already have it.  It also runs on Windows and OS X.  Once you have installed it, run it and open preferences.  (I'm using a Mac, so on Windows, it may say 'Settings')  Make sure you check 'display line numbers' and 'highlight matching bracket.'  These make it a lot nicer for programming.  Gedit also allows for the editing of several types of source files, and syntax highlighting.  Go into 'Editor' and enable automatic indentation.  Now go into plugins.  The one you downloaded should come bundled with several.  Enable Bracket Completion, Code Comment, Indent Lines, Modelings, Snippets*, Sort, and Tag List.  Highlight Snippets and click 'Configure Plugin.'  Expand the list under 'C' as this is the closest to the syntax of config files.  You can do this under 'Global' if you don't need syntax highlighting or want to have this work without selecting C for highlighting.


Click the eM3HUQC.png button and type in the name of the autocomplete.  In the text box, type in the code you want it to replace as, then in the 'Tab Trigger' box, type in the word you want it to change when you click tab.  You can use ${1:Text} to have replaceable text.  Make sure that you go in order of how it's used.


Whenever I type in info and hit tab, it replaces it with:

name = name
	module = part
	author = CliftonM
	rescaleFactor = 1.0
	TechRequired = tech
	entryCost = cost
	cost = cost
	category = category
	subcategory = 0 //Normally 0
	title = title
	manufacturer = manufacturer
	description = description
	attachRules = stack,srfAttach,allowStack,allowSrfAttach,allowCollision //0,1,0,0,1
	mass = mass
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = maxDrag
	minimum_drag = minDrag
	angularDrag = angDrag
	breakingForce = breakForce
	breakingTorque = breakTorque
	crashTolerance = crashTolerance
	maxTemp = maxTemp
	fuelCrossFeed = True
	PhysicsSignificance = 1
	stageOffset = 1
	bulkheadProfiles = size1
	//thermalMassModifier = 1.0 //Only really needed for heat shields

Whenever I hit tab after doing that, it goes to the next field that has this syntax: ${1:Text}  I can edit that, and click tab again to go to the next.  It goes in order of the number in the beginning.  I have now done the same thing with MODULE, and PART.  Also note: you need to go in order by number in the fields.

Once you have all of the modules, and parts that you need, you can type the entire config in less than ten minutes without copying and pasting.  Now all I need to do to create a config is type the following:

part (hit tab)
info (hit tab and change certain fields)
moduleAnimate (hit tab and change certain fields)


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