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Which mod is causing random bits of crafts to appear in my missions?

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Hi Kerbaleers,


I'm having a  spot of bother with my ubuntu 14.04 install of 1.05

I've installed a stack of mods over the last couple of days and am not sure what might be causing me issues.

What has happened in the last few launches and ground missions is that bits of IVA and possibly other craft parts are appearing in my flight path or wherever my rover might have been parked.

My frame rates over the last 24 hours have been atrocious on rover missions too (space is no problem for frame rates though).

I tried removing the apps that relied on firespitter and layered animations, but no change was evident.

Your advice would be most welcome!

The mods I have at the moment are:

  • Asclepius
  • BahaSP
  • Boulderco
  • CapCom
  • chatterer (installed today)
  • CommunityResourcePack (installed today)
  • CommunityTechTree (installed today)
  • ContractConfigurator
  • ContrackPacks
  • DistantObject
  • DMagicOrbitalScience
  • EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
  • Firespitter (installed today)
  • HabitatPack (installed today)
  • HullCameraVDS
  • InterstellarFuelSwitch
  • JSI
  • KAS
  • KAX (installed today)
  • KerbalEngineer
  • Kerbaltek
  • KIS
  • Kopernicus
  • LayeredAnimations (installed today)
  • MagicSmokeIndustries
  • MechJeb2
  • NearFutureConstruction
  • NearFutureProps
  • Nereid
  • OPT
  • OPM
  • PlanetaryBaseInc
  • Planetshine
  • Probecontrolroom
  • RealChute
  • Scansat
  • SetiContracts (installed today)
  • SETI Ctt (installed today)
  • StationPartsExpansion
  • StationScience (installed today)
  • TarsierSpaceTech
  • TextureReplacer
  • Triggertech
  • Venstockrevamp

http://imgur.com/a/1ikmj - (This is a brand new account, so my gallery wont embed yet)


Edited by T.A.P.O.R.
added link to images
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