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What direct x version will be required for KSP 1.1?


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I was wondering if it will still be playable with old video cards. I just run into a new game on Unity engine that required dx11. Thought that was reserved to the boring, same-every-year AAA games. But this one was a pretty simple indy title, not too graphically intensive, so I was surprized.

Could something like that happen to KSP? Should I start digging around scrapyards in order to find a new GPU? Or the devs of the game I tried were just lazy, so they ignored coding compatibility for older standards?

Edited by Evanitis
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I am seeing talk about dx12 for untiy 5. Looks like it is currently on dx11. I don't know a thing about this stuff, but I am curious to as to how it works, and what KSP 1.1 will be using.

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Yes. Unity 5 is meant to be capable of running DX12, but can still run on DX9 and anything newer, as well as several other graphics technologies such as OpenGL and whatever Macs use. Most computers from the last few years have DX11, so unless you're running it on a dinosaur from last decade you'll be fine. ;)

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