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AltInput DLL For Joysticks

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When compiling and using the AltInput dll, everything seems to improve drastically. However, the SAS no longer functions. It's on and it looks like it's working but it does nothing for the stability of the craft. The problem section is here:

VesselAutopilot.VesselSAS VesselSAS = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.Autopilot.SAS;
Boolean overrideSAS = (Math.Abs(CurrentState.pitch) > VesselSAS.controlDetectionThreshold) ||
						(Math.Abs(CurrentState.yaw) > VesselSAS.controlDetectionThreshold) ||
						(Math.Abs(CurrentState.roll) > VesselSAS.controlDetectionThreshold);

Does anyone see an issue right off that I'm missing?

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You might want to check that manual override (still?) does what you expect it to. It might be easier to run your control inputs in PostAutoPilotUpdate and just not put anything through if input is not detected.

public static bool IsNeutral(AxisBinding axis)
  return axis.IsNeutral() && Math.Abs(axis.GetAxis()) < VesselSAS.controlDetectionThreshold;


Edited by Crzyrndm
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I'm basically fumbling my way through this . . . when do you suggest I place your code? Here is a larger chunk of what I currently have:

        public static void UpdateState(FlightCtrlState CurrentState)
            // Go through all our axes to find the ones we need to update
            foreach (FieldInfo field in AxisFields)
                if (Math.Abs((float)field.GetValue(CurrentState)) < Math.Abs((float)field.GetValue(UpdatedState)))
                    field.SetValue(CurrentState, (float)field.GetValue(UpdatedState));
                    // The throttles are a real PITA to override
                    if (field.Name == "mainThrottle")
                        FlightInputHandler.state.mainThrottle = 0.0f;
                    else if (field.Name == "wheelThrottle")
                        FlightInputHandler.state.wheelThrottle = 0.0f;

            // If SAS is on, we need to override it or else our changes are ignored
            VesselAutopilot.VesselSAS VesselSAS = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.Autopilot.SAS;
            Boolean overrideSAS = (Math.Abs(CurrentState.pitch) > VesselSAS.controlDetectionThreshold) ||
                                    (Math.Abs(CurrentState.yaw) > VesselSAS.controlDetectionThreshold) ||
                                    (Math.Abs(CurrentState.roll) > VesselSAS.controlDetectionThreshold);

The area in question is, obviously, at the bottom.

Edited by Styles2304
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The little code comment is probably totally worthless now that I think about it (since it uses KSPs controller bindings while this seems to be something else entirely...). What's probably happening is that the SAS updates the ctrlstate before you do, and then even when manual override is false its output no longer exists. Simple fix, when you don't want control from this plugin, don't fiddle with the ctrlState at all (ie. if (manualOverride) UpdateCtrlState();)

Edited by Crzyrndm
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