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So i went out to try the demo earlier but i could not get grips on how to get a good ship to space but man do i love the stuff you got going here. I put down a $20 for ye lot to start with and made my first succesfull liftoff with the help off MechJeb afterwards.

Tommorow i\'ll time my own liftoff into orbit if i can manage it but this is just the type of game and theme i\'ve been looking for for years on end.

Oh.. and hi to all from a true spacefan 8)


To get my bearings straight a few, probably noobish, quetions:

- To get somewhat of a persistant world i must never ever select end flight right? (keep debris and previous pods out by exiting though spacecenter?)

- How (read where) can i learn up about calculating my own orbital trajectory without using mechjebs accension module :P ?

- A lot more.. but for a later time


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- To get somewhat of a persistant world i must never ever select end flight right? (keep debris and previous pods out by exiting though spacecenter?)

- How (read where) can i learn up about calculating my own orbital trajectory without using mechjebs accension module :P ?

Welcome! (and the rest of you welcome me too, my first post here)

When you select 'end flight', the capsule (and whatever is attached to it atm) disappears. The flying debris does NOT disappear though, stuff like decoupled last stages in low orbit, decoupled satellites (should you consider part of your craft to be one). If you use Powersat or other sat mods, the sat will turn into a separate capsule. The max. number of flying objects that the program will keep can be tuned in the settings. If you want to clear the space, delete the persistent.sfs file in the saves/default folder

To get into orbit, the trajectory should be roughly as follows: straight up till your speed is 550m/s, which should occur at about 20-25K ASL, then start a gravity turn to the horizon ('topple' your vehicle), then accelerate towards horizon. Aim to achieve 2245m/s at 100K - that would be the orbital speed for that altitude. The atmosphere ends at 64K ASL.

To calculate orbits, use http://files.arklyffe.com/orbcalc.html

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Hey there, saw the questions, and will answer the best I can. First off, the persistent models. Ending flight will only remove your active module from the persistent objects. If you jettison boosters, etc while in orbit, those will stay regardless. Same with stuff on the moon if you leave space debris behind.

Orbits, for myself, I never did any calculation charts or any of that myself, I did it all by the seat of my pants, Jeb style. Failure is alot of the fun of the program, so experiment, blow up and get stranded in space. Some nice tips out there, youtube videos and the like, but the best is sort of playing around with what works and what doesn\'t.

Most important tip with larger rockets, make liberal use of the structural linkage when needed. When stuff starts to wobble and flex, that is when control problems really begin to develop.

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Most important tip with larger rockets, make liberal use of the structural linkage when needed. When stuff starts to wobble and flex, that is when control problems really begin to develop.

Thanks for the replies all. And about that i was wondering indeed. I created a simple 3 stage thingymado and it wobbled to the sky and back. Will defenitly try some struts next.

Also, and since im new i may have overlooked it on the forum. has anyone made a compilation package of the best/most usable mods out there. There\'s a ton on here and i\'m a bit overwhelmed with the number of mods available already.

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has anyone made a compilation package of the best/most usable mods out there. There\'s a ton on here and i\'m a bit overwhelmed

I don\'t think there is any list like that, but I\'m happy to share the results of about 20 hours of searching through mods and trying them out:

First and foremost, I advise you make a complete backup of a clean, patched install of the whole game, or at least the Parts folder. This way you won\'t have to wait for a repatch after you completely clog up your Parts and get lost in the heaps of useless parts and have to wipe/reinstall.





The above 4 are to give you something to do on your flights. An even more intricate system is dynasat_v_0_6_1.zip and SatelliteRelays_v0_5.zip, but I haven\'t tried those yet. Probodobodyne Construction Kit - v0.5.zip is also in this category - it contains mostly props, but also 2 nifty unmanned capsules.

KSP Silisko Edition 1.2.zip - BE CAREFUL. Definitely do NOT install it like the author suggests (you will lose a number of components if you do), rather, don\'t overwrite the existing parts, just add the ones that don\'t exist in the default set. And not all of them, at that. The only parts I ended up using from this set are the excellent non-nosecone parachute, the small weak decoupler, the nosecone for the tanks... and maybe something else. Do not use the modified engines and fuel tanks, they are more effective to the point of cheating, IMHO.

MechJeb_1.8.4.zip - guess you already know this one. I am still to use it - for now i am just enjoying manual flights, with an M screen trajectory predictor.

If you are into space history, there are several excellent sets of Russian space vehivcles. be warned though - parts from them usually don\'t work well with default ones. The files are:

Kosmos LK 1.0.rar

Kosmos 4.1.rar

Angara 3.0.rar

Noyuz Pack 1.2.1.zip

Guess these would keep you occupied for a while. Have fun : )

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Thanks a ton Black, this is pointing a lost astronaut back in the right direction of the pod :D

I tried MechJeb rather soon after discovering not being able to fly out of the atmosphere that well but it could be due to the fact the craft we\'rent spaceworthy to begin with.

Ill go with the first four you mentioned and i saw some nifty ships in the IFE package i\'d like to try.

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Good luck : ) If you want to use satellites, you will have to have the non-nosecone chute, so see that parts archive too, the fifth one. Powersat deploys without a decoupler, so the top of the vehicle should look like (from top down) powersat - parachute - capsule - the rest of the stuff.

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So after a day of trying hard to get my own self build rocket into space and finaly landing my overly wobbly design of a surface space station on the Mun i managed it!


I need a lot of practice to get routine to it though, what a day.. I hope Jeb will be proud :D

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