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[Stock] Amavios Aeronautical Factory (Fighters, Bombers, Transport)


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Hi everyone ! 

I created this post to share with you my creations.

For the moment I've only done "atmosphere" crafts. I tried to make them nice, and practical, but I know that they aren't the best at all... However, I'm sure that your advices will help me make them better !

I'm French, so I hope my english isn't that bad !

By the way, the name for all my craft is "MAA-......."

That means Manufacture Aéronautique d'Amavios in french, and in english: Amavios Aeronautical Factory ! :)

So here they are !


This one is just a fighter, inspired by the F-22, but not that much...

https://www.dropbox.com/s/yq2vujr7134foix/MAA-Hexagone.craft - copie?dl=0

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The "Orage" is just a concept of a "flying wing" fighter. Again, not perfect, but it flies pretty well !


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The Rafale is (as its name suggest it) inspired by the Dassault Rafale. I would say it's a semi-replica. Pretty happy of this one !


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The Zephir is a VTOL fighter, that perform just fine. But again, nothing amazing !


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The Mistral is a light, hypersonic bomber, capable of small bombing run, but with a great autonomy !


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The Sirocco is my biggest aircraft. It's supposed to be a long-range, hypersonic, heavy bomber. It is quite capable, I know it could be better, but it flies, doesn't look ugly (I think..) and that's all !


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 I hope you will like them !

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  On 1/18/2016 at 6:27 PM, Matuchkin said:

The Sirocco is very nice. "Kind of" unorthodox though. Suggestion, add more wing surface and intakes- make this fly higher.

Everything else is quite nice, though. Not sure why you are so modest...


Because those are my first, and I'm not inventing anything, so...


But thanks ! I'll try it and will release an other version !

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Here are my most recent fighters ! Mostly inspired by Sukhoï planes !


First, the MAA-Apollon, inspired by the Su-34, because of the cockpit (it doesn't have canards whereas the real Su-34 has it), it's very unstable and difficult to fly. Take it as a challenge !


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This one is inspired by the Su-27, because of the tail design. I also tried to implement the Blended Wing Body concept, don't know if it's correct.. It flies very well, very easy to control !


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That's all for today ! Hope you'll like them !

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Hello once again !


Here they are !

Two new fighters (Again... I know...) !


The first isn't that new, it's more an upgrade of the MAA-Apollon to make it easier to fly, and more Su-34 like with the two canards, so it's called the MAA-Apollon-34 !

I also made it more powerful, with two wheesley engines clipped in the panther. That means you won't be able to maintain post combustion indefinitely, otherwise they will overheat !


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The second, is fighter inspired my multiple aircrafts: the F-15, F-16 and F-18 Hornet and SuperHornet. It has a great fuel capacity, but you can adjust it to make it fly like you want it to fly ! :)  Again, it's easy to fly, supposed to be multirole and like all my other fighters, supersonic !


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 I hope you'll like them !


If you have any suggestion, or ideas of crafts to make, that would be cool !

Have a nice day !

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Aaaaand again !

A new fighter, to change...


This one is an attempt at make a F-22 alike fighter. Quite a good job I think, but the big issue is that I can't make it supersonic, even with 4 engines, maybe this has to do with KSP aerodynamic IN the plane...

If someone can help me I will be grateful ! 




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone !


I'm presenting you my newest aircrafts ! And guess what ! They are fighters....

So the MAA-Cygne is a stealth(ish) and F-22 like fighter, it can fly pretty high (I made it to 26k, but then it flames out..) and pretty fast (around mach 1,8). For those of you who are using BD armory and others military mods, they are two cargo bay where you can put, you know... freedom. (cough cough)

So here it is !







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The second aircraft is in fact a VTOL version, check it out !





PS: I can't manage to create an imgur album, how do you do ?

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Hello everyone !

Here's my new fighter ! A highly maneuvrable and supersonic fighter, medium range, and low speed landing and takeoff. Pretty happy about it but at low speed, the roll in very reticent...

But overall, it works just fine !








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Hi ! I feel so lonely in this post, but, anyway, I'm persevering with a new craft !

I think I can call it a replica, because it's very similar and because I wanted to do a replica !

So here's the MAA-Eurofighter, replica of the Eurofighter (hum), surprisingly enough, it flies very well, but can barely go supersonic, even with four panthers (clippings free). 

It can carry a loooooot of fuel, but don't put in all the fuel you can, otherwise the take off will be like throwing a stone in the ocean (even if I didn't try, I'm almost sure it will).

Give me all the feedback you can !






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I like your designs and they are getting better, a mod that could help is the no-offset-limits mod, it allows you to place parts with much greater freedom.

I see you using the big shuttle wings a lot, they have a nice shape, they are not designed for fighter aircraft, they are big and draggy. Also weight is a big factor in how hard the Panthers can push you. I usually only have one or two tanks in my designs that have fuel in them, the rest are structural and empty. The MiG 25 below can reach Mach 2.6 at 10km+ on 2 Panthers and it has 2 non-functional Whiplashes clipped in. There are 2 mk1 fuel tanks that are full and about half of the mk0 tanks are full. Really this is quite realistic, on afterburners you have a few minutes of fuel, which is very close to the real thing. It still has too much wing, especially with all the panels around the tanks, I could lose 2/3rd's of the wings and it would still fly great.

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  On 2/16/2016 at 9:14 PM, selfish_meme said:

I like your designs and they are getting better, a mod that could help is the no-offset-limits mod, it allows you to place parts with much greater freedom.

I see you using the big shuttle wings a lot, they have a nice shape, they are not designed for fighter aircraft, they are big and draggy. Also weight is a big factor in how hard the Panthers can push you. I usually only have one or two tanks in my designs that have fuel in them, the rest are structural and empty. The MiG 25 below can reach Mach 2.6 at 10km+ on 2 Panthers and it has 2 non-functional Whiplashes clipped in. There are 2 mk1 fuel tanks that are full and about half of the mk0 tanks are full. Really this is quite realistic, on afterburners you have a few minutes of fuel, which is very close to the real thing. It still has too much wing, especially with all the panels around the tanks, I could lose 2/3rd's of the wings and it would still fly great.

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 Hi ! First, thanks for the feedback ! Actually you are right, I could put less fuel in my crafts, with the AF in real life you have like 10 minutes of fly (not only because of the fuel consumption, but also because of the heat etc)... About the spaceplane wings, you're right, I'm using them because of their shape, I can't make very nice delta wings (that big) with the classic plane wings... I will try also that mod and your craft (if you release the file one day)

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  On 2/16/2016 at 9:14 PM, selfish_meme said:

I like your designs and they are getting better, a mod that could help is the no-offset-limits mod, it allows you to place parts with much greater freedom.

I see you using the big shuttle wings a lot, they have a nice shape, they are not designed for fighter aircraft, they are big and draggy. Also weight is a big factor in how hard the Panthers can push you. I usually only have one or two tanks in my designs that have fuel in them, the rest are structural and empty. The MiG 25 below can reach Mach 2.6 at 10km+ on 2 Panthers and it has 2 non-functional Whiplashes clipped in. There are 2 mk1 fuel tanks that are full and about half of the mk0 tanks are full. Really this is quite realistic, on afterburners you have a few minutes of fuel, which is very close to the real thing. It still has too much wing, especially with all the panels around the tanks, I could lose 2/3rd's of the wings and it would still fly great.

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  On 2/17/2016 at 4:32 PM, YoeriCookie said:



There are two mods, one Flag Decals will allow you to place your current flag anywhere, comes in three sizes and flat and curved. The other mod is called NEBULA decals and it only has a couple of sizes but if you install Tweakscale as well you can scale the flags, it also allows multiple different flags, its a bit more involved as you have to mess around with configs. I also have been revamping KerbPaint which allows you to color your craft, I am using another mod to change the fairing texture.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone !

I'm back with a brand new plane ! This time, it's not a fighter, but passenger plane (quite massive :p)

So this is the MAA-Goliath. A passenger plane with a crew capacity of 218. Because of its weight, size, it isn't that fast..

It takes off very easily, is quite maneuverable for its size and pretty stable.

You must be very gentle when landing, the 8 landing gears at the rear are helping but it can be a little bouncy and then everyone dies haha. 

Breaking is quite satisfying with the 9 landing gears' breaks, and the 4 thrust reversers.

I hope you'll enjoy it !





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Hello !


Here is an upgraded version of the Goliath: bigger and... just bigger, and more difficult to fly. The fuel capacity is at max, but make sure to adjust the fuel quantity.

As always, landing is a challenge: you need to touch down very gently, and very early on the runway. Landing on the island is almost impossible.

So, if I'm correct, this aircraft carries 320 kerbals, can fly with 13000 fuel unity, and crash very easily :P

1: Engines

3: Reverse thrust

4: Lights

Breaks: Breaks + airbreaks (or they can be flaps if you want)


PS: It can taxi by itself !




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