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Gold Stingray Inc. Spacecraft Division [New: Cygnus, Azure Kite, Azure Orca]

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Hello, I'm Chappi.

I'm new here, but I'd love to join an ambitious team of engineers, I seek cooperative work and what's mostly important - fun!.

I love creating big and clunky bombers, but from time to time I also enjoy creating smaller planes.

It's hard to tell which one is my best, I have three fine planes at the moment so I'll post them here and you shall judge.




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Hello, Chappi.

Firstly, welcome to the forums!

Secondly, I believe you will be an excellent addition to our talented ranks of engineers.

I'm sure when our CEO sees your application, he will most surely employ you.

Your application has the Plaatinum Aerospace Seal of Approval!



CEO and Chairman of Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies and Quasar Starships.

Official Receptionist of Gold Stingray Inc.

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I would like to join Gold Stingray Inc. I can make fast fighters, extremely slow planes, and aerobatic aircraft. I can easily design, build, test, and release craft with stock and MechJeb parts. Joining would let me show my work to the KSP community more effectively.

Sample .craft files coming this Sat. or Sun.

Edited by Jeb KerBoom
.craft release date
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@luigibro: I have an application from NOX12:

Forum Name: NOX12

Best ship download link: http://www./?2ha36f2ui2kwhc3 and http://http://www./?4m45v2sm9th1bhj

Why you want to join: I would like to join because im good at making rockets (through trail and errors) and to also be a tester.

To follow links, just take away the http part of the link.

Also, please delete some of the messages in your inbox so I can send you these via PM.


Plaatinum Aerospace

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We would like to thank you for contributing to Gold Stingray Inc. because we have hit 10,000 views and are approaching 250 posts in our thread!

I think the little green aliens are the secret to our success......

Maybe not....

I'm not saying it was aliens, but.... ALIENS*

*kurtjmac reference

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Also, the planes that our newer engineers have made should probably go on the OP, 'cause I'm working on the GS Inc. August Showcase

Yeah, I'm trying to do that whilst also attempting to work on my entries for a competition, and also whilst being bothered 24/7 by my brother. :B

And to update the OP;

Can all employees who have not done so yet please update the .craft collection to 0.16 varients and PM them to me? Thanks.

I cleared up my message box. Turns out I had too many sent messages.

Edited by Luigibro606
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