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Gold Stingray Inc. Spacecraft Division [New: Cygnus, Azure Kite, Azure Orca]

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Maybe you weren\'t using enough wings? I do a whole range of \'heavy cruisers\' which generally port around a metric freakton of wings. That, control surfaces, maybe some RCS if it still won\'t fly well and appropriate use of capslock for when it reacts far more than you expected it to and you have a plane that flies like a dream.

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I would like to send my thanks to this company for meeting my programs needs and designing a working ship. With minimal modifications, it has been cleared for kerbal manned flight.

Today, The first flight of the Odysseus I will mark a new dawn in Kerbal engineering and spaceflight. For the first time, a manned craft shall be sent to Minmus, with the goal of exploring in detail the geography of the planet.

Wish the kerbal crew luck in this monumental journey.

Pics to follow =P

Edit: A wobble problem to be rectified by struts, appearing during maneuvering in orbit caused a navigation error, causing the spacecraft to impact the mun while I was AFK.


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I gave Pm,ed some requests, but id also love to join GS inc..

Im away from home though, so cant give you any of my projects. :(, i can, however, make new designs ( but cant test em due to bad pc)M, have better pc at home)

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If you have issues with my design, please specify them, and i will try to solve them.

I had no problem to land the ship and get back to kerbal without any wobbling related problems. Please post some screenshots or specify the problem, so i can reconstruct the situation.



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If you have issues with my design, please specify them, and i will try to solve them.

I had no problem to land the ship and get back to kerbal without any wobbling related problems. Please post some screenshots or specify the problem, so i can reconstruct the situation.



Nah, It\'s fine! I was modifying the lander stage to carry a cart with a return stage on top, and she was a little unstable when maneuvering. Some RCS fixed it up!

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Nah, It\'s fine! I was modifying the lander stage to carry a cart with a return stage on top, and she was a little unstable when maneuvering. Some RCS fixed it up!

Okay, i thaught there were some major problems with the upper stages. The lander that i built was for demonstration only (fuel tank as payload).

Thanks for the feedback! I hope there will be no more dead kerbals with this rocket! ;D


And post pictures of it landed on minimus please :)

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Hello, everyone. Quasar Starships is pleased to present the E-1045 Cygnus!

The Cygnus is all-stock. It is similar to it\'s predecessor, the E-945 Albatross, except the Cygnus includes swept wings in the front to provide more lift. It also includes canards at the front to increase control. It has crossed the eastern ocean and landed on the other side. To fly, turn on precision controls and full throttle on the runway w/ ADVSAS. At the end on the runway, turn of SAS and pitch up to about 45-50 degrees. Toggle SAS on again and let it fly across the ocean! You can adjust the throttle anyway you want*, but preferred range is 60-75 percent. Nothing below 50% or there will be not enough lift.

Any Questions? Feel free to PM me.


Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies

*Gold Stingray Inc. is not responsible for any illegal activities by the purchaser.

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Hello! I made some planes, and I was wondering what the engineers here thought of them. I\'ve hidden them in this spoiler for convenience!

Dorallo Heavy Cruiser:


Atroxolith Heavy Cruiser: http://www./?tarrveuw8eatkk5

Gamasco Heavy Cruiser: http://www./?9x6wz4b3bckbhpl

Kavassara Heavy Cruiser: http://www./?mf88os8i6amykqa

Osmura Heavy Cruiser: http://www./?dh2had0pyp6nd0g

The Dorallo is essentially a long-distance scout plane. Although larger than the average scout or interceptor, it is smaller than the other cruisers here and uses the denser rocket fuel in places in order to avoid increasing the plane\'s size for, say, railgun targeting. However, it is heavy enough that it does not handle cargo well.

The Atroxolith is a six-engined low-altitude cargo plane. A ring of fuel tanks surround a central hollow space which can be filled with any 1m parts, the effective cargo. It carries a grand total of 31 fuel tanks and can henceforth fly for relatively long distances.

The Gamasco is a four-engined cargo plane with a more open structure than the Atroxolith. A radial decoupler is provided for attaching cargo to the roof, and a large under-wing space is also suitable for another role - holding missiles or bombs. When full of cargo the plane is quite heavy and so a booster rocket is provided in order to reach takeoff velocity by the end of the runway.

The Kavassara is another 6-engined plane, using tricouplers to get the most from 2 long stacks of fuel tanks. Only 22 tanks mean that this plane has a shorter range than the Atroxolith, but this plane\'s advantage is a massive wing area which is simply perfect for bombs and missiles. Fitting the front swept wings with 3 missiles each, for instance, arms the plane with a salvo of 12 missiles total, suitable for wrecking any plane on the recieving end of the assault.

The Osmura is simply massive. It has a lot more engines and wings than it needs, and so can survive an impact or a less-than-perfect takeoff. Again it has a lot of wing area, but the placement makes railguns a more suitable weapon than missiles on this ship.

Please note that all of these ships cut it quite close with takeoff and landing - make sure to pitch up well, and if the ship has RCS turn it on! With the Osmura be careful not to pitch up too sharply as you leave the ground, however, as that\'s how you lose an engine or a wing or two. And be careful whilst rolling as well - it does not always go quite as planned in crafts with such wide wingspans.

Feel free to comment, improve, and generally mess about with these crafts! For one thing I find it can help to mess around with changing which type of engine is used for better flying, for instance. Gameassassin, you may also note that the Gamasco fulfils your request! Happy flying!

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I would like to present my long range, easy to fly scout. The prototype 2. If you like it could I please have a spot at this company as an engineer?

Welcome to the Corporation!

The Prototype 2 handles nicely, aside from it\'s continual drop, but that\'s ok, after all, it is a prototype! *fake laughter* :3

I gave Pm,ed some requests, but id also love to join GS inc..

Im away from home though, so cant give you any of my projects. :(, i can, however, make new designs ( but cant test em due to bad pc)M, have better pc at home)

Also welcome to the Corporation!

I\'ll check the PM\'d ships soon. :)

Hello! I made some planes, and I was wondering what the engineers here thought of them. I\'ve hidden them in this spoiler for convenience!

Dorallo Heavy Cruiser:


Atroxolith Heavy Cruiser: http://www./?tarrveuw8eatkk5

Gamasco Heavy Cruiser: http://www./?9x6wz4b3bckbhpl

Kavassara Heavy Cruiser: http://www./?mf88os8i6amykqa

Osmura Heavy Cruiser: http://www./?dh2had0pyp6nd0g

The Dorallo is essentially a long-distance scout plane. Although larger than the average scout or interceptor, it is smaller than the other cruisers here and uses the denser rocket fuel in places in order to avoid increasing the plane\'s size for, say, railgun targeting. However, it is heavy enough that it does not handle cargo well.

The Atroxolith is a six-engined low-altitude cargo plane. A ring of fuel tanks surround a central hollow space which can be filled with any 1m parts, the effective cargo. It carries a grand total of 31 fuel tanks and can henceforth fly for relatively long distances.

The Gamasco is a four-engined cargo plane with a more open structure than the Atroxolith. A radial decoupler is provided for attaching cargo to the roof, and a large under-wing space is also suitable for another role - holding missiles or bombs. When full of cargo the plane is quite heavy and so a booster rocket is provided in order to reach takeoff velocity by the end of the runway.

The Kavassara is another 6-engined plane, using tricouplers to get the most from 2 long stacks of fuel tanks. Only 22 tanks mean that this plane has a shorter range than the Atroxolith, but this plane\'s advantage is a massive wing area which is simply perfect for bombs and missiles. Fitting the front swept wings with 3 missiles each, for instance, arms the plane with a salvo of 12 missiles total, suitable for wrecking any plane on the recieving end of the assault.

The Osmura is simply massive. It has a lot more engines and wings than it needs, and so can survive an impact or a less-than-perfect takeoff. Again it has a lot of wing area, but the placement makes railguns a more suitable weapon than missiles on this ship.

Please note that all of these ships cut it quite close with takeoff and landing - make sure to pitch up well, and if the ship has RCS turn it on! With the Osmura be careful not to pitch up too sharply as you leave the ground, however, as that\'s how you lose an engine or a wing or two. And be careful whilst rolling as well - it does not always go quite as planned in crafts with such wide wingspans.

Feel free to comment, improve, and generally mess about with these crafts! For one thing I find it can help to mess around with changing which type of engine is used for better flying, for instance. Gameassassin, you may also note that the Gamasco fulfils your request! Happy flying!

Will check these later too; thanks for all the work!

Feel like joining, Extraneous? (Unless I missed your request to join, lol)


Oh, and if anyone\'s been wondering what I\'ve been doing, I\'m attempting to make a plane-launcher that will take a conventional rocket into orbit. :D


And, I may need someone to evaluate planes as their job soon. (Tester)

It should, in theory, work like this:

Engineer makes Plane X. Tester evaluates plane. Plane passes evaluation. CEO is satisfied with plane. Adds it to front page.

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Hey you guys make some pretty cool planes :D Do you do rockets too? or are you strictly a jet company?

In any case I\'d like to work with you. I\'ll post a few samples of my work here later! If not we can always just chat and swap ideas. Hit me up!

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Welcome to the Corporation!

The Prototype 2 handles nicely, aside from it\'s continual drop, but that\'s ok, after all, it is a prototype! *fake laughter* :3

Hehe yeah i\'m working on a prototype 3 with more lift. hmm... maybe a biplane design.

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