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I'm doing KSP stuff on YouTube again!


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Hey guys. Anyone remember me? :) 


I did some KSP videos a couple years ago, some of which made the rounds here on the forums and elsewhere. Time/money/all the usual excuses sorta put a stop to all that for a good while, but I'm finally back to it again! I'm doing a full on long form career mode series, and I plan on doing some smaller more "bite sized" stuff here and there as well. Annnnd there will probably be a bunch of other space/flight sim/etc related stuff sooner or later too, but I realize you guys may not exactly be the audience for that :)


I hadn't made a thread so far because I didn't wanna just be like HEY GUYS LOOK AT ME, but I've gotten a number of messages from people who remember my videos from before and were glad to see me back. Sooo, just hoping I might run into a few of those folks here as well :)


YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/drjonez

Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/drjonez




Edited by DrJonez
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Just to record this on the forums...

Yes, your videos were my best introduction to KSP and to start understanding celestial mechanics. Before that, I couldn't really get how to do a proper encounter & dock without sweating and quickloading all over the place. I think you communicate really well and smooth, and that was the main factor to have you as my favourite KSP youtuber.

Glad to have you back! :)

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Wait. So you learned orbital mechanics because of me. And then made the Delta V chart with part of what you learned. And now me and everyone else use the Delta V chart because we're lazy :) WHAT MADNESS IS THIS? D:

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