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[Writing] The truth behind it all


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Do you remember that place, Nexvulch? That place your parents told you to avoid. That nation that barely anybody liked. Theoretically economically unstable, yet always rich. So disliked, yet always pleased. So shunned, yet always noticed. You may think this is just a bunch of propaganda at the moment, in which case you can leave. But, if you want to know some of the darker secrets of Nexvulch, and find out what is really hidden underneath their plain skin, please read on...

Stan was just going to work, as usual, in the nation of Angleland. It was nearly the start of his shift in the GS inc. factory, producing the wings for the scout planes. He ran as fast as his little green legs could carry him. His hair blown back in the wind as he ran. There he could see it. Right in front of him. The factory. If he didn\'t get there on time, Mr. Gelleo would fire him for sure. It was just at that moment, that perfectly timed moment, that his toupee fell off. It was a particularly windy day in Angleland and the ball of hair got blown straight into a dark alleyway. Well, Stan couldn\'t turn up at work without his hair. he would be the laughing stock of one of the biggest companies in Angleland! He had to get his hair. He dropped his briefcase and darted for the alleyway.

The smell of rotting flesh crawled up his nose and filled his head. Tiny insects crawled around him. One got on to his lab coat, which he quickly disposed of with a shriek. Strange green slime clung to the walls, glowing, producing enough light to dimly illuminate the pitch black alleyway. It was then that it hit him: a lob of sticky, viscous, musky liquid. It hit the bald dome that was his head, coating his flesh in a layer of slime. Stan moaned as he wiped the liquid from himself with his hands. Then he heard the growling. Low and deep. Then he remembered the saying \'low and deep, away you keep. Anything other, don\'t bother\'. Then he tensed up. The most feared creature ever, that\'s what the saying referred to. He slowly turned around, and found himself face to face with an armored dog, it\'s shell a dark grey, six legs on the floor, the other two held up, claws out. It\'s hot red eyes glared.

'CLEAVLE!!!' he screamed, darting away as the monster pounced at where he was standing. He ran faster than he ever had in his life, the monster pouncing after him. He knew that cleavles could go faster than him, but this one wanted to play a game. Let him run, then strike him down and tear him to shreds. The cleavle swiped and scratched his back. Stan let out a high pitched yelp as the cleavle licked the blood off of it\'s claw, smiled, and appeared to laugh menacingly. Then it set out, in pursuit of it\'s toy once again.

Stan turned a corner and found something very peculiar indeed. A kerbal was standing there. He was wearing an entirely black suit with a white shirt underneath. Despite the darkness of the alleyway, he was wearing sunglasses. The cleavle came around the corner and saw Stan. It smiled before it saw the kerbal in black. It\'s face dropped, then it lay down whimpering in fear. The man walked towards it and it covered it\'s eyes with its paws. The creature was shaking faster than a Taherian massage machine, it even appeared to be crying in fear of this kerbal. The kerbal patted it\'s head and it went silent. He continued stroking it for five minutes, until it had calmed down, before he turned to Stan, who had been watching in amazement this whole time. Stan froze in fear just like the cleavle. This kerbal could cause the most ferocious beast on the planet to cower in fear, what could he do to a small, unprotected, bald kerbal? The kerbal smirked.

Then, he merely said 'Derrku Stan. I\'ve been waiting for you...'


'Derrku?' Stan asked himself 'Where have I heard that word before?'

'You\'ve heard it where we\'re going, Stan,' The kerbal said.

'Where we\'re going? You can\'t take me anywhere. I\'m going to be late for work! Who are you anyway?'

The kerbal smirked, 'My name is Kachzen. I work for sector 22 of the government. You have been requested for a meeting due to your knowledge on the Gelleo Bomb project.'

'How do you know about the Gelleo Bomb?' Stan asked.

'I don\'t think I should tell you just yet.' Kachzen replied, 'It would only make you more terrified. Your boss has been notified of your absence. You have a meeting at the opposite pole of the planet with some of the worlds most powerful people.'

'You mean Ascensiam?'

'Him and others even more powerful. Now, get on the cleavle.'

'What? No! I\'m not getting on that foreign death trap of a science experiment! Those Nexvulchian freaks are sick in the head if they created this monster!'

'The Nexvulchians didn\'t make them. That\'s just a tale spread by the SPQK as a scapegoat. Cleavles are wild animals, and affectionate ones too, if you treat them with respect. Nexvulch has no control over them and cannot be held responsible for the ignorance of others!' Kachzen screamed. He was obviously angry at something 'The SPQK came to Nexvulch, trying to seize control of the land. The cleavles caught the scent of their weapons and, in an attempt to protect themselves, decided to retaliate! The cleavles actually have a rather primitive economic system of payment in meat for territory. They are also very good at plotting. They planned to board SPQK helicopters and hitch a ride to the SPQK HQ, where they could avenge their land by retaliating against the leader. Instead, the SPQK army stopped in Charlestonia. The cleavles believed that they were in the SPQK HQ and attacked everything in sight. Cleavles even have a basic language of thirty words. Along with hand gestures, this is enough for them to converse with each other and even kerbals who can listen to what they say. Now, get on the cleavle!'

Stan did as he was told, terrified of this Kachzen guy. The GCK only had 21 government sectors. What could sector 22 be? Did it even exist? He eventually decided to get on the cleavle. Kachzen got on in front of him. They both put their feet in the stirrups on the cleavle\'s sides.

'Gien,' Kachzen told the cleavle, pointing at it, then towards the nation of Nexvulch. 'Schtuzen,' He said again, covering his eyes and pointing to the streets. It took a while for Stan to figure out what this meant: \'Go to Nexvulch and don\'t let anyone see you\'.

'Oh, by the way Stan. I think this belongs to you,' Kachzen said, holding up a slimy ball of hair.

Stan snatched his wig back, an embarrassed grin on his face. The cleavle jumped onto the roof of the nearest building.

'Hold on tight, It\'s gonna be a fast ride!' Kachzen said.

Suddenly, the cleavle was already running. Stan watched in awe as it pounced from one roof to another, never missing it\'s target, never losing it\'s footing. People always said that cleavles traveled impossibly fast. Stan never thought they could go at speeds of up to 400 miles per hour. In just 15 minutes, Stan and Kachzen were already coming to a stop. Above them hung a large metal sign with illegible words in a strange, runic alphabet written upon it.

Kachzen translated: 'Welcome to the nation of Nexvulch...'


Kachzen tied the cleavle\'s harness to a nearby post. He spoke to it in cleavanian and it lay down, closed its eyes and camouflaged with the tarmac of the road.

'Nobody ever visits Nexvulch anymore,' Kachzen said 'So this road is useless. People just leave cleavles here while they\'re elsewhere. Anyway, the cleavle won\'t be able to survive where we\'re going.'

Kachzen took Stan to a telephone box. It must have been a local telephone system because the numbers were also in Nexvulchian. Kachzen dialled while speaking.

'ellix, sambi, lo, lo, yelo, sambi,ellix, sambi, lo.'

Suddenly, the phone box became dark. A bright light then turned on. Stan could feel his stomach turning. They were descending. That\'s the only place cleavles can\'t go. Underground. After around 10 minutes, Stan got worried.

'How deep does this elevator go?' he asked.

'It goes about halfway through the mantle of Kerbin. That\'s where all of Kerbin\'s decisions are made.' Kachzen replied.

'Oh! I didn\'t even know that was possible. I thought that would be godmodding.' Stan exclaimed

'Godmodding? That\'s just a myth Stan. Anything is possible. Anyway, it\'s the rule of godmodding that is the cause of our situation.'

'Yeah, I guess you\'re right,' Stan said guiltily 'Anyway, Kachzen, I want to say sorry for what I said about Nexvulch. I didn\'t know that they were just trying to help. I\'m sorry I offended you and I\'m sorry I offended the cleavles.'

Kachzen ignored him for a while, then replied: 'Sorry to the cleavles? There are no cleavles any more, no more than 20 anyway. You people destroyed their life, their hope, all of the things that meant something to them. Innocent cleavle children died that day. You kerbals would never understand, too ignorant and industrial. You couldn\'t accept the world as it is without blowing each other\'s faces off even if you tried. They\'re all monsters...'

Stan could see a tear emerging from behind Kachzen\'s sunglasses, which was quickly wiped away by it\'s creator.

'Now, because of your ignorance, and the actions of world leaders, Nexvulch may bring Kerbin to an end.'

'How could Nexvulch do anything? They\'re powerless to the almighty Kortugan pirates!' Stan asked.

As the elevator doors opened, Kachzen merely said 'Oh Stan, why on kerbin do you think I\'m talking about the nation of Nexvulch?...'


Stan saw before him a large room. Everything was silver and symbols were painted above multiple screens. There must have been at least one thousand. The screen bearing an eye within an inverted triangle had been smashed long ago. Other symbols included a blue square with a strange planet on it, labeled 'Earth', another one with a tree on it was labeled 'Sirius', the next with a beam of Rainbow light was marked with the word 'Andromeda Galaxy general'. There were different names on each one: Olympus, Yaru, Quetzalcoatl. Finally, Stan came to a screen that was marked with a familiar sign. It was the biggest there and was labeled 'Nexvulch'.

'Stan,' Kachzen called 'sit down already!'

Stan hadn\'t noticed that there was a large table in the middle of the room, around which were seated some people. It was only when he sat down that Stan realized who they were. One was sat with a straight face, staring directly forward, instead of being locked in conversation like the others. His name tag was labeled 'Radion'. The kerbal sitting next to him seemed rather shaky and nervous. his hair was messed up and his name tag was written in ancient runes. Stan could guess that they spelled 'Ascensiam'. The kerbal to the far right of the table was in a rather disgusting state. His clothes were torn and his right leg was replaced by a large piece of wood. He was holding a large mug and appeared to be drunk. He looked like a pirate: 'Capt\'n Skunky'. Between these two was a relatively tall kerbal who was trying to make conversation merrily, yet had nervous sweat running down his forehead. He wore the International Kerbin Flag. It was none other than the head moderator himself, 'Damion Rayne'. Stan squirmed in his seat uncomfortably, between Kachzen and Radion, for five more minuites, before a secret door opened.

Everyone in the room fell silent. A kerbal, wearing a strange, metallic jumpsuit stepped in. His face was strict and he had an aura of importance about him.

'You complete... utter... one hundred percent... MORONS!!!' The kerbal screamed as he marched in and took the biggest seat. 'What were you thinking? How dare you?! Innocent people will DIE in the masses because of you IDIOTS!'

'Yes Mr. HarvesteR, we\'re sorry Mr. HarvesteR' everyone apart from Stan and Kachzen replied.

So that\'s who this man was. HarvesteR: creator of the Kerbal Space Program. Most powerful person on Kerbin.

'I bet some of you selfish, insignificant, ignorant blobs don\'t even know why I\'m mad. Do you?'

'We all know why you are mad sir. Allowing disruption in Nexvulchian liberation sir!' Radion exclaimed.

'Yes. It\'s nice to see that some of you pathetic slobs are listening. Now, why did you let it happen. Nexvulch are probably going to disapprove!'

'Excuse me sir,' Stan queried 'How are Nexvulch threatening in any way?'

'Nexvulch? You don\'t know what we\'re talking about, do you?' HarvesteR sneered 'We are talking about the planet of Nexvulch. It\'s a distant place, but they are powerful. Do you know who their president is, insignificant? Their president, the great Thorn Kuh Thornp, is God!'

Stan\'s face went pale, 'You mean-'

'These geniuses enraged GOD!!!' HarvesteR screeched, slamming the table. 'Nothing but a load of...'

HarvesteR cursed.

'H-h-harvesteR,' Damion stuttered, now not so merry, 'Y-y-you c-can\'t swear on t-t-t-this forum. I-i-i\'m sor-r-ry, b-b-b-but I\'m going to h-h-have to b-b-ban you.'

He pulled out a wooden hammer with a black head. The word BAN was written on it. It was Damion\'s BAN hammer. Damion swung at HarvesteR. It looked like it was all over until HarvesteR actually caught the hammer with one hand. He clenched his fist and the Hammer shattered. Damion\'s face dropped. He fell back in his chair, the broken remains of what gave him power now lying in his hands.

'You dare to swing the Ban Hammer at your superior. Do you know who made Space Travel possible for Kerbin? Who made all of your little politics possible? I own this place! Not you! ME! So stop crying about your little hammer and get on with your life.'

Stan was in complete shock. Never before had he seen such power, such anger. This was too much for him. He was in the prescence of the most powerful Kerbal ever, the head moderator had just had his status revoked in an instant, and the whole world was going to end.

'Now be quiet everyone. That means you to Skunky.' HarvesteR ordered.

Capt\'n Skunky grumbled and swung his mug around, rolling his eyes in boredom. HarvestR facepalmed at this reaction, quickly withdrawing his hand as the screen marked Nexvulch sparked to life


A dark figure sat in front of them on the screen. It was tapping its fingernails on the table. Two red eyes stared at the Kerbals along the table. Oddly enough, there were no pupils in its empty eyes.

'Hello Kerbals...' the creature whispered darkly 'It is time for the judgement of your... liberation. If you pass, your planet will never again have to follow the laws of the universe, allowing for easier space travel. However, if you fail, you shall be bound to your planet. You may never leave Kerbin. Do you understand?'

'Yes your greatness, we understand your greatness!' everyone replied in unison.

'The result of your test is... FAILURE! You may never leave Kerbal again. Now, before I leave, I need to do some... cleaning up.' the creature told them, grimacing darkly.

'W-w-what do you mean?' asked HarvesteR, now unnerved himself by this figure.

'I mean some of your nations are out of order. Alduras seems to be the main culprit of research blocking. Also the N.R.E, head of the SPQK I believe. Did they not try to invade the Nation of Nexvulch? And Taheriaz continuously annoyed them into joining the GCK.'

'That\'s my nation, I\'m the ruler of it,' Ascensiam stated.

'Oh yes, Ascensiam. You tried to block out our operation but it didn\'t work, did it?' the creature hissed 'Oh well, for their wrongdoings, these nations will end in 3...2...1...'


A light shone in the sky of Alduras, and of the N.R.E, and of Taheriaz. The silent force. And everyone gazed upon the star of power, and they stared in awe at its glory. The star then spoke in a deep voice, shattering the land of the three nations. And there were riots and chaos. The nations sunk into the void of the oceans, the star taking the life of everyone there. and gaps were left in their places, never to be seen again.


'NO!' Ascensiam shouted as he heard the distant boom 'You just nuked Taheriaz! You sick MONSTER!'

'I\'m not a sick monster,' the creature replied calmly 'They were. They all deserved it.'

Everyone was in complete shock, even HarvesteR. Ascensiam\'s whimpering could be heard through the silence, until a voice spoke up.

'Hey! You can\'t *hiccup* just go a-blowin\' up *hiccup* places like that' remarked Capt\'n Skunky.

'Skunky! Shut up!' Damion whispered to him.

'No *hiccup*! I ain\'t just gonna shut *hiccup* up! This darn thing on *hiccup* the wall ain\'t gonna tell Skunky *hiccup* what to do. Skunky don\'t think *hiccup* you\'re so strong you shadow demon.'

'DEMON?!' The creature bellowed.

'Yeah, demon!' Skunky replied 'You ain\'t strong when I got God on *hiccup* my side.'

'But I am G-'

'God\'ll protect me! You *hiccup* ain\'t so scary. Come on, gimme yiur best *hiccup* shot.'

'You dare speak to I in such a tone, inferior kerbal. I shall show to thou my wrath. I shall make you afraid. Kerbin is to be blown to pieces by a nuclear shower in exactly 24 hours...'


Reviews and constructive criticism are appreciated.

WARNING!:Use of Nexvulch or anything relating to it is not permitted (including use of Nexvulch in mods, stories, game development, etc. due to out-of-forum reasons) without initially recieving a permit from Whptheenah. I also apologise if you feel offended in any way by this fanfic. I would like to remind you that this story is for entertainment purposes only and is not designed to offend or represent any of the characters in any way. The stereotypes seen in this production are merely for entertainment and character variety, not offence.

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Like your evil plan to infest the world with cleavles?

I\'m planning to do a book for every nation of the old RP world. Will be interested in this.

No. This thing is serious. Maybe 8) too serious... but not rude or in violation of the rules

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Safira was in the old RP world. Yay, I get to be in a book!

There is a very slim chance that many nations will be featured in this series. It\'s mainly focused around Stan working on a secret mission to help an unimaginable force.

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[...]SPQK as a scapegoat[...]The cleavles caught the scent of their weapons[...]

Ok... I can put the SPQK part aside but SCENT OF THE WEAPONS? Weapons don\'t smell. Also, Niveusan soldiers cleaned their weapons 2 times a day.

Also, you seem to be villainifying the SPQK. O...k?

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Ok... I can put the SPQK part aside but SCENT OF THE WEAPONS? Weapons don\'t smell. Also, Niveusan soldiers cleaned their weapons 2 times a day.

Also, you seem to be villainifying the SPQK. O...k?

1) Scent of the weapons as in gunpowder, fuel, etc. Cleavles attack what they don\'t recognize.

2) I\'m not villainifying the SPQK. Kachzen is just very... emotional and has extreme social/temper problems.

Anyway, the danger doesn\'t lie on Kerbin. It lies with something BIG...

Just don\'t take it too personally. It\'s a fanfic, not RP. Kachzen probably insults people in anger as much as HarvestR (in the fanfic, not IRL) gets mad because the Kerbin Secret Government messed up everything.

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1) Scent of the weapons as in gunpowder, fuel, etc. Cleavles attack what they don\'t recognize.

2) I\'m not villainifying the SPQK. Kachzen is just very... emotional and has extreme social/temper problems.

Anyway, the danger doesn\'t lie on Kerbin. It lies with something BIG...

Just don\'t take it too personally. It\'s a fanfic, not RP. Kachzen probably insults people in anger as much as HarvestR (in the fanfic, not IRL) gets mad because the Kerbin Secret Government messed up everything.


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