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Official part balancing thread?

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So i just made this since i can find and up to date thread for the community to talk about unbalanced parts in stock. I've been reading a lot of posts complaining about parts being really bad, and also that could be replaced by others easily and do a better job.

Here are a few examples i've read in the forums:

The Mk1-2 Pod

It seems like this part was forgotten when the 1.0.5 version came out, at a heavy mass of 4.2 tons, it can carry 3 kerbals into space along with 150 electric charge and 30 units of monoporpelant, with reaction wheels with a torque of 15.0, and a total cost 3800 funds 

With the new mk1 crew cabin things got pretty bad for this part, with a mass of 1 ton we can carry 2 kerbals to space, so basically if height is not a structural problem for you, you can use it along with a mk1 crew cabin, an advanced inline stabilizer, a 1.25 service bay (for aerodynamyc pruposes) carrying a z-100 battery pack and a FL-R10 monopropellant tank and get a better version of it for just 3130 funds, also you can use structural parts to make it even smaller if height or the hatch are troubling you, this will off course make it less aerodynamic, but even with a fairing it wont be as heavy ad the mk1-2 command pod.

The Mk-55 Thud engine

This radial engine surely needs more love, with a mass of 0.9 tons, a thrust if 120 Kn in and a Isp 305 (both in vacuum) and a vectoring range of 8.0, the uses of this radial engine are kinda limited since is outclassed by the LV-909 Terrier and the RE-L10 poddle.

In therms of Isp Both of them are better than the thud (LV-909 Terrier with 345 and RE-L10 poddle with 350)

In therm of thrust a single poddle haves a max of 250 Kn, meanwhile 2 thuds have 240 Kn so 

In therms of weight 2 thuds (1.8t) weight more than a poddle (1.45t), and 1 thud(0.9t)  weights more than a terrier (0.5t), even if it is paired with a Type B nose(0.575t) cone or a structural fuselage (0.6t) for radial use.

So overall, most times (if not all) we are going to have more delta V using a terrier or a poddle, with half the vectoring range of the Thud (The only thing the poddle is better than those two).

Also If you're wondering most engines used in the atmosphere also outclass it in TWR and Isp (Reliant on ASL and Swivel on vacuum) , so pretty much the most use you could have for it down there would be small shuttles (such as the Learstar A1 and the Slim shuttle) so there is little use for this radial engine right now.

Well that's all i've got for now, i wan't to know your balancing issues with parts on the current version on the game, so we can get the best of them in new versions if they're balanced 



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