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Command Module Facing Wrong Way?


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I'm making my first probe to Duna with a rover attached, and (my ship is the exact same as Scott Manley's from his Career Series Episode 22) I get this message saying that my command module is facing the wrong way, and I cannot seem to fix it. I've tried turning it upside down and all, but nothing. Every time I launch my navball is polar and I absolutely despise it. How do I fix this? I do not have MechJeb. 

Any ideas? Thanks

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I don't recall ever seeing that warning before. Also, what do you mean by "navball is polar"?

Unfortunately we can't help much unless you post a few pics so we can see what problem you're having. Make sure you include a closeup on the core(s) you're using and a shot of when you go to the launchpad so we can see the navball symptoms. You say you're not using MechJeb, but are you using any other mods?

Oh, and welcome to the forums! You'll be glad you came.

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9 minutes ago, pincushionman said:

I don't recall ever seeing that warning before. Also, what do you mean by "navball is polar"?

Unfortunately we can't help much unless you post a few pics so we can see what problem you're having. Make sure you include a closeup on the core(s) you're using and a shot of when you go to the launchpad so we can see the navball symptoms. You say you're not using MechJeb, but are you using any other mods?

Oh, and welcome to the forums! You'll be glad you came.

I've figured it out, I was just dumb. My RoverMate was upside down (as a result my navball faced retrograde in the beginning) and I had to remake the entire rover, and only then did it get fixed.

Thanks anyways, and yeah this forum has helped me a lot so far. :) 

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