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Can lab copies or result transmissions be stopped mid way?

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Here we are, and I'm days away from releasing an alpha...and of course one final, snarly problem comes up.  Two parts:

Is it possible to stop a lab copy that is mid-progress?  I've tried using

IEnumerator x = someLab.ProcessData(...);  myMonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine(x);


Coroutine x = myMonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine( someLab.ProcessData(...) );

either way, sometime later

myMonoBehaviour.StopCoroutine( x ) //doesn't stop it :-(

Neither seem to stop the lab process - progress prints keep streaming.  I can't use the string versions as I have to pass parameters to the coroutine itself function.


Is it possible to stop a result transmission?  I call ModuleDataTransmitter.StopTransmisison(), which does stop the transmit, but seems to leave the antenna in an unusable state afterward.  Further calls to ModuleDataTransmitter.TransmitData(...) do nothing.


PS - you folks have been really great, I wouldn't be about to release without you!  I literally have learned Unity and KSP from scratch via the hundreds of pages of guidance I've found here.  Grateful hugs for all!:)

Edited by SixHourDays
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