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The Great Return


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Hello there, I'm not new to the forums as I've had an old account with around ~200 Posts.  Bought the game around 0.14.4 and left around 0.23.  Now, I've gotten re-hooked to the game and downloaded a few mods (OPM, ScanSat, MechJeb, and KW Rocketry) Is there any other mods you would suggest? :cool:

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Welcome back!


So, mods. Hmm. Just a few I could think of: Kerbal Krash System is a pretty new one, but it gave me -so much- joy already. I wouldn't take a step without it.

If you're up for a career mode, check GAP contracts. If you like planes and such you'll love it, but pick it even if you don't 'cause it has some awesome missions.

If you rather have the mood for much instant space-stuff, consider starting from another planet with Alien Space Programs. I'm having a blast on it.

Ahh, and if you want a super-realistic hardcore NASA sim, go for Real Solar System and Realistic Progression.


EDIT: Forgot KIS-KAS. I think everyone has it. Even if they don't use it. ^_^

(note: the above are subjective picks without knowing your KSP preferences. So will be the rest that will follow in the thread)

Edited by Evanitis
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Welcome back! I'm fairly new to the forums myself (though not the game, been playing since 0.17). I would recommend Claw's stock bug fix modules and stock plus. Informational mods like Kerbal Engineer Redux, Kerbal Alarm Clock and PreciseNode are also very helpful. And I second the vote for KAS/KIS. 

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Welcome back! We've got some new mods around the block. Take a look at Realism Overhaul for all your realism needs. Real Scale Boosters is a very new mod made by NecroBones for real life boosters in their real scale. NANA Wildfire adds fires, nuff' said. Free IVA for all your moving-around-your-space-station needs.

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