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Engine sound mod


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Stock sounds are not fantastic / KW Rocketry has better ones

For quite a long time, I'm not satisfied with the rocket engines sounds. KW Rocketry has much better sounds than stock.

You can check here the sound of the engines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONP9jS14toE (my favorite KSP video)

KW rocketry is a nice mod, but if you want to play with stock parts you don't have the sound...

Using KW sounds to Stock parts

So, why not using KW rocketry sounds  ? Module Manager has tools to do it.

When l look at the part file, there is 2 type of sound definition.

1- Legacy's sound definition

It's defined by sound_vent_medium, sound_rocket_hard, sound_vent_soft, and sound_explosion_low and also manage plumes and smoke with fx_exhaustFlame_blue, fx_exhaustLight_blue, fx_smokeTrail_light, fx_exhaustSparks_flameout

2- New sound definition

It's defined in the EFFECT node with items like running_closed, engage, flameout, shockDiamond, then subnodes handleing AUDIO, PREFAB_PARTICLE and MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE

What to do ?

To use custom sounds, we need to convert the part files to the new curstom definition without wrecking everything. There are some examples of "New sound definitions" in stock game (Cluster engine, Rapier, MiniJet, SSME...) and there are plenty in KWRocketry.

My issue is to know how to convert existing old definition to new definition, other than copying the same engine FX.

  • Are there any rules of thumb to convert old definition to new one without altering the visual effect too much ?
  • Has this subject already been addressed in the past ?

Thx for your help

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