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Changing an RCS tank into a fuel tank, and Vice versa.

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I downloaded Novaslisko\'s slisko edition 2 alpha, and the service module that came with the pack quotes, 'The service module handles both grounds and more by allowing a customisable amount of RCS fuel, normal fuel, and life support systems to be stored inside.' The only problem is, however, it is an RCS tank and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to change it. I was wondering if there was a way to reconfigure the tank so it stored rocket fuel, or actually both (It should have both if in fact it is a service module)! Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance! :D

Link to NovaSlisko\'s Rocket page:


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This was a limitation of the game beforehand, but it should be possible after the new part module system is fully implemented. The only thing you can do is manually edit the .cfg file but that means it effects all your rockets at once, even ones you want it to use as RCS fuel. NovaSilisko may update it in the future, but I doubt it as he\'s a developer now.

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