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The Journeys of the Raumzug- Revived! Rewritten Intro! *Slightly* Less bad!

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Jebediah Kerman looked up at the monstrosity before him. Obviously, he knew he could fly this ship. Mission control was, at most, hopeful that he was right. The rather large nuclear mothership would be the pinnacle of the space program, but of course Jedediah Kerman didn't care.

The first mission was repurposing an old station. Its purpose was to refuel outbound planetary ships for the many, many previous cancelled/crashed/krakened interplanetary missions. Of course, the engineers eventually discovered how inefficient the design was, as it would refine ore from passing asteroids. So they decided that moving it to minmus was a good test mission for the Raumzug.

Valentina, the copilot, was not looking forward to this trip. She always tried to stay happy, but she really, really hated Jebediah.

"Comms are GO!" yelled Gene. Jebediah found this extremely boring. "SAS is- um, did he just take off?"

Bob, who Jeb almost forgot was there, started screaming.



none yet.

So, what do you think?

Edited by ThatGuyWithALongUsername
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On 2/2/2016 at 9:23 PM, Geschosskopf said:

Well, it's a nice-looking beast.  Where's it going and why?

Uhh... to space?



I know where it's going, but I'm not sure if it's going there. I wrote this late at night so it was written badly, so I might not continue it. Not sure how to actually continue this anyway. Maybe I should rewrite the intro.

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