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IVA lighting and interactivity

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I've recently figured out the mod development process (with regard to parts and engines, at least) and have been churning out pods with IVAs. They've been designed to use RPM and as such are fairly interactive, but I'm curious as to some subtler points, namely lighting. 


I did figure out how to light the interiors, and for the most part its desirable to have them lit, but, since I usually do that last, I've done a lot of testing with them dark. This has made for some beautiful reentries/sunsets/sunrises/night flying, and I'd love the ability to toggle the lights rather than choose. I've not seen this done elsewhere, but if anyone has any information on the subject I'd appreciate it.


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I know the thread's fairly old by now, but I've come up on a variation of the objective and keeping it in this thread might be helpful to future googlers, redundancy of posting the same thing again aside.

The alcor uses a JSI function called intlight to bind a light to a part trigger much like that used in the internal camera switch stock function. In general it's very useful, but in my latest effort I decided to go a step further and bind my interior lights along side an emissive texture, which also means binding them to an animation. Intlight doesn't seem to be designed to do this.


I have two immediate workarounds planned:

Intlight does have an animation associated with it (intended to animate the position of a switch), and in theory I could just bind the emissive into that.

JSI also has a numeric input function that I might be able to harness to make a dimmer switch if I bind the light levels into the animation itself.


This post is preemptive, and if either work I'll update with the success for "dear people from the future: here's what we know so far" purposes. Both solutions seem a bit hacky to me though, so if there's a "right" way to do this I'd love to know.


Edit: I've been attacking the problem with a combination of JSIVariableAnimator and JSINumericInput. Unfortunately I don't seem to be able to actually get at the animation I made. I suspect that has something to do with my setup of JSIVariableAnimator, as though the page claims it can be used to animate ancillary objects in the cockpit it also seems to specify that the function looks for the animation on the "prop it lives on", and I haven't figured out h ow to change that. 


Edited by Balto-the-Wolf-Dog
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4 hours ago, Balto-the-Wolf-Dog said:

the function looks for the animation on the "prop it lives on", and I haven't figured out h ow to change that. 


you can get around it by making the prop the light as well as the switch. The light object is all through the Internal space, whatever light that has the name specified in the config. Animation however is only specific to the prop acting as the switch.

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