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[Win][With Auto-Updater!] Kerbal Space Program: Mod Manager

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Finally, I still have the issue posted above with .NET, although .NET is installed and up to date. I have this issue with both my W8 laptop and my W7 desktop PC. Don't know what to do so I temporarily surrendered and install my mods manually.

Edited by Korb Biakustra
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When I click "disable" in the manager, it straight-up deletes my mods. If it is supposed to move the files to the --MODS-- folder, it's not doing it on my machine. either I'm doing something wrong or something with my machine is preventing it from functioning properly. There's no The mods are either enabled, or if I try to disable them, they're removed from the list and the gamedata folder. I've tried running the MM as an administrator and enabling the folders to read/write rather than just Read-Only.

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Finally, I still have the issue posted above with .NET, although .NET is installed and up to date. I have this issue with both my W8 laptop and my W7 desktop PC. Don't know what to do so I temporarily surrendered and install my mods manually.

Sorry, I have no idea what's wrong. Does any other program work that uses the same .Net?

When I click "disable" in the manager, it straight-up deletes my mods. If it is supposed to move the files to the --MODS-- folder, it's not doing it on my machine. either I'm doing something wrong or something with my machine is preventing it from functioning properly. There's no The mods are either enabled, or if I try to disable them, they're removed from the list and the gamedata folder. I've tried running the MM as an administrator and enabling the folders to read/write rather than just Read-Only.

Disable deletes the files from the GameData folder. That's what it's supposed to do.

But I thought I made it so that it would give you a warning if it didn't find the mod file in --MODS-- folder.

Are there any reports of mods not working with this? Bobcat's Soviet pack/ISS and KOSMOS by CBP are missing crew and staging. Aviation Light parts are missing completely. Works fantastic otherwise.

Hmm... Not sure, could be they use irregular folders I haven't added yet.

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Disable deletes the files from the GameData folder. That's what it's supposed to do.

But I thought I made it so that it would give you a warning if it didn't find the mod file in --MODS-- folder.

On my comp, they are being unpacked into a /parts folder. My GameData is completely empty except for squad(and the mods I've installed manually.

What have I done wrong ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have only one request for your mod so far, when you disable a mod can you also delete any *.craft files that come with it? Just tested and did the enable mechjeb, then disabled it and the MechJeb Pod 2.0 Kit.craft stayed around after being disabled. Just an idea to help keep things clean.

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I like the thought of a mod manager. I have tested this one out. Got the latest version

as of this post! It's a very good idea but keep getting an unhandled exception.

Not sure what is causing this as I have tryed multiple mods with the same effect.

I have .net framework 4.0 and it is zip files that I am using.



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Heya :)

First: Wow, how could I live without this one... honestly, great work you're doing!

Now for the negative side :D

I keep experiencing weird... half-assed-freezes :D Meaning, the program doesn't respond to inputs (can't select a mod or anything in the bridge), but is still running (mod-display in bridge continues "scrolling"). Don't have it every time, and sometimes starting in admin mode seems to help with it. Running Win7x64, .exe placed in ~KSP.

And now a small feature request: As I experienced crashes when trying to download more than one thing at a time, I would be veeeery happy if you could include a "download queue". Some packs are quite big (experienced the problem with NovaPunch) and I like to continue browsing and adding stuff... So if the tool would use a download queue, that would be awesome :)

Thanks again for the great work!

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I'm sorry for all the problems... I have just been swamped with real life stuff, and I'm not really at all in the mood to program.

If anyone wants to step in, and help out. Feel free to PM me, and I can see about setting up a thingy to the GitHub page project thing. Sorry the expression, I'm still kinda new to GitHub.

But be assured, KSPMM isn't dead. Far from it. I still drop by every now and then, I just don't post that much.

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Now, since I assigned myself to fix all these bugs, could everyone please go to https://github.com/Norway174/KSPMM/issues and create a new issue there (If there isn't that issue already), with very descriptive describing of the bugs, including how to reproduce it if you can (If those popups come up saying an error occurred, click on the button and copy-paste that into the issue description too.) I will also put in a better bug handler, so if it crashes it will tell you what to do.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure why, but I installed this and it won't connect to anything. I can install mods and enable them, but the "Launch KSP" button is subdued and anything that needs a connection doesn't work. i.e. version info and shoutbox. It also says connection failed at the bottom. Is this project dead or is there a problem with this app on Windows 8?

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Ohh... Right. That's because of the new website. It should be fixed in the next version. Unfortunately, I have no comment on when next release is due.

But I would say that this project is not dead.

And is KSPMM.exe in the same folder as KSP.exe? Should be in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program" if you are using the Steam version.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aaaaaannnnndddddd grreeeeaaatttt.... Our host has suspended our page. I have made a request with them now. But we'll see how it goes.

Also, Redwork, sorry, no mac support. But it might work with Windows emulators like Wine. But it's unconfirmed. Sorry!

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  • 1 month later...
You're still welcome to use the hosting space I set up for you until yours is working again, if you like.

Thanks. But I'm looking into a paid host. Since I need to host more pages as well.

So if anyone have any suggestions for a good, cheap host. I'd love to hear them.

Preferably with yearly payment. Monthly is out of the question, unfortunately.

EDIT: Turns out my account got suspended because of inactivity, and not because it used too much resources.

Because of inactivity, it's a simple automated process to reactivate again. So the site should be back up now.

Edited by Norway174
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Good to hear it's working again.

I use DreamHost, and I'd definitely recommend them if you're looking for good shared hosting. I can't comment on the quality of their VPS/dedi offerings, as I don't use them.

Awesome, thanks. I'll definitively look into it. And on a side note, "656696"-part in the URL, a referral number for you? :P Not that it matters, just curious.

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