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Kerboeing A-737 [STOCK]

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Hi there everyone !

So this is my first plane (as well as my first post here =P): The Kerboeing A-737.

This thing can fly for 45 minutes easily, at a relatively nice cruise speed (500+ m/s) and a top speed of 617 m/s.

Its range varies between 1.100-1.300km when flown at the best altitude (between 14.500 and 15.000 m).

I managed to fly past the north pole and further on the first flight :)

This plane is also really stable, though needs to be trimmed just a bit after take off (not necessary if you plan a straightforward path, just use the SAS).

It has reinforced wings and can resist harsh landings and take offs. Also, please mind the tail when pulling the lever when taking off x)

Enjoy :)

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Hi popo51951 - I'm afraid the file isn't available anymore. If you look at the left top of the blue bar above the post you can see that this particular one dates back to 2012 - somewhere in the last two years the file was deleted :)

Closing the thread.

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