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First Landing Gear in along time Problems


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Hello!, So I am trying to make a landing gear in ksp, I followed the stock picture of what a landing gear needs and for some strange reason the wheel doesn't stop on the ground. In fact it seems to go through the ground. Here's a picture of it:


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I was really hoping someone more successful at making landing gear would have answered you by now...  but I'll try, at least to bump the thread so maybe those folks will chime in...  

Your hierarchy seems to have everything I'd expect it to...  though I believe typically the wheelCollider goes under the suspensionParent... and then the Wheel goes under the wheelCollider...  once you've done this you'll be able to troubleshoot one of the problems I've had...  and that is with incorrect suspension settings it's possible that the wheel collider IS contacting, but the suspension is so squishy that it immediately retracts up into the hull!

If that's set correctly, then my next guess is that the problem is in your .cfg file...  making sure that you're pointing correctly at the collider and wheel in the .cfg file.  Another problem I've had...  make sure that your gear animation is matching the initial state of the gear module.  By that i mean - I've had landing gear THINK they were retracted when the animation showed them extended, and vice versa...  which meant that the colliders were all disabled when the wheel was down, and only enabled when the wheel was up and the collider was retracted inside the hull!  I don't remember what the default state is exactly, but make sure the right click menu matches with what you'd expect when you've got it in game.




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First off thanks for responding it's driving me insane! However, It still sinks through:
here's a picture of it in KSP.


and here's confirmation that did like you said:


Edited by Deltafee
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