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The Light Incorporated[S-96 multipurpose jet]

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The Light Incorporated\'s Jets!

Minimum mod requirements: BigTrack Floodlights, Stock 0.15 parts, Jellycubes R&D Weapon systems, and novapunch remix pack for the multipurpose jet(this is if u want ALL my craft. i bet no one will do tht but just in case.)

The F-108 Night Recon Jet!

the f-108 is a small recon jet with 2 engines attached to pylons which in turn, are attached to the wing.it can reach speeds of 200 meters a second if u wanted to.(but i was too lazy to actually watch my speed =P) it has 2 parachutes on the tail so in case it goes out of control u can deploy and shut down those insaneout of control engines.(also, this plane is made of 0.15 stock parts and bigtracks headlights. link is attached)(picta time!)


The F-249 Fighter Jet!

the F-249 is an upgraded F-108 with 2 cannons on the cockpit and 4 rounds of ammo. its not very exciting...


The S-96 snake multipurpose craft!

The S-96 is a multipurpose ship that can be an orbital ship(considering u have 2 tanks of rocket fuel, i don\'t rlly think u could, but a guy said u could reach the moon with that amount) and a jet to get u places.(jet mode goes first). the pics will show u what it is.


what the ship looks like when landed


underside of jet


top of jet


ejected wings


time for flight

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i HATE delta wings. i\'ve seen so many deltas i wanna puke EVERY time i see a delta. the f-108 quite stable even without proper aerodynamics(though, always use a.p. if u don\'t wanna crash). :\'(

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