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[Writing] Khazari civil war - Chapter 4 coming soon!


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Before Kerbin united under one goverment there were lots of small countrys having wars and nuking each other.

Sounds silly right?

Its amazing that some even had space programs.

Well when I was browsing my personel library I found A dusty old newspaper talking about some nation called Khazari having a civil war.

I took interest on the subject and I decided to write a book about the subject made up of peoples own stories from both sides.

After 3 weeks of reserch I finally located 2 Pilots who had made first contact with the so called UFO (Which was acually a Light gunship sent in by KFFF). After the First few interviews with other pilots I was able to start on my first book.

Heres the unfinished copy.

Book one First contact.

Chapter one - a Morepork pilots story.

It was a cloudy summer day.

I was a Morepork pilot stationed at Tarkov airbase just outside of the city.

We were going out on a training exercise when we got a radio in from radar station 47 that a UFO was entering Khazari\'s airspace.

They said that it was coming in at high altitude so we suspected that It was either space debires or a satilite, although It wasnt moving very fast we guessed that it had some kind of gliding ability.

When my Morepork jet was ready I took off and circled over the runway while my wingman Johnsen took off.

Then we made our way up through the clouds.

When we got over the cloud layer ground radars said that we would be able to see the object in 5 minutes.

By then 15 wetas from another squadren had joined us.

It was our moreporks were 3 times the size of those wetas, and they kept ziping around like a swarm of bees, they tell me its to get accruite radar coverage and mess with enemys tracking systems.

Acording to the Weta\'s radar we would see the UFO in 2 minutes.

We then turned around a cloud and saw it.

We were all amazed at the sight.

Chapter two - The fast and the furious

I was a Weta pilot, We used Wetas for scouting and spying, with only 4 machineguns as weapons we had to rely on our small size and speed to get out of sticky situations.

Weta\'s are fitted with a multipurpose dish that could do anything from monitor radio signals to scan for enemy troops and planes.

I was based at Ukran base, we hardley did anything there besides a few training exercises.

So I was surprised that I was called in to investigate a UFO on radar.

Weta\'s can be deployed from the launch pad or under slung underneath a Takahe heavy transport, but still did have enough fuel to go across Khazari around 32 times before running out of fuel.

After getting in the air my squadron got into formation and headed towards the UFO, we were ment to meet some Moreporks at 50,000 meters.

There were 15 of us flying in formation, most of them we new to the air force.

We did our routine manoeuvres for an unknown situation, it had to be perfect otherwise there could be a midair collision.

although we were further away then it looked.

We were approaching a large cloud when our radars started getting messed up, we couldn\'t get a proper signal.

I tried to radio command when suddenly the long range radio broke down, although short range was working.

the squadron leader told us to execute the Marko manoeuvre, meaning we all spread out and flew in regular formation, so at the first sign of an Incoming missile we would break off and launch flares. and the missile wouldn\'t know where to go.

We were executing this manoeuvre when suddenly we turned around a cloud and saw the biggest flying object in our lives.

Chapter 3 - The UFO revealed

It was a massive orbital battle crusier!

5 of the Wetas went down right away, the pilots fainted, It had around 20 Railguns and sevrel turrets of unknown origen, I struggled to keep my plane in the aire as I looked at the massive plane. It had extremely long wings that seemed to make it glide for long distances, It had writing on the side, It said \'KFFF\', at the time we didnt know what that could mean.

Suddenly somthing dropped off the main body of the collosial plane, it appeared to be some kind of drone, because a kerbal could never fit inside that shape.

It flew right into our formation, scattering the sqadren.

Then suddenly all the small turrets on the UFO aimed at us, and fired.

on my radio I could hear pilots screaming as their planes burned up around them, suddenly I could see a turret aiming at me, I quickly dove out of the way of a lasor blast.

Then the drone started firing on us, hunting down and destroying the wetas.

Around half the squadren were dead, one of the weta\'s had falled through the clouds but the pilot had regained conshisnes, he quickly told command what happened before he was shot down.

the squadren leader told us to retreat.

The remaining planes dove through the clouds.

The last thing I saw was the drone reconnecting onto the UFO.

When those lasers hit I had been out of the way of the first few turrets, but suddenly the drone was onto me, I flew around the battlefield trying to shake it but it was still on me, suddenly there was a bright flash and I instintivly pulled the eject lever, the top nosecone blew off and I flew out, the last things I saw before I blacked out was my plane falling to bits and the drone flying past.

I was lucky to get out of there alive

Photos of the aircraft in book 1

A puekeko SAM on the launchpad


The UFO being ripped in half by morepork fire and puekeko missles. The drone is also visible in the backround in a dogfight with the weta scouts.


The downed UFO spotted by a weta scout


The downed UFO close up (photo taken by navy frigate)


More photos to come as events unfold.

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u said the ufo was massive. it looks like it was a simple bomber.

Yea, thats becuse when I took that pic back when the old RP forum was up I had no idea how to make big spacecraft (I was pretty terrible at KSP, thats also why Khazari didn\'t have a space program)

On another note im on holiday right now so don\'t expect chapter 4 to come out in awhile (when I say awhile I mean 3 weeks)

However when I do get back this post will be edited alot and alot of new content will be added in such as:

A map of Khazari showing citys, towns and military installations.

More detail added into the first 3 chapters.

Better pictures of weaponry and aircraft.

Chapter 4: Strike Back

And eventually Book 2: The Beggning Of The End.

I will also proofread it when I get back

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