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Doctor Who/Torchwood Stories


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I am going to start making a weekly fan fiction series based on the hit British TV series, Doctor Who and Torchwood. Every week I will add to the story, but I plan to write them from the perspective of the doctor and also try to do the series well as he and his companion(s) travel across time in space. This is to fill the gap between the current season and the next. So enjoy what I have written for you! I would suggest a good background song to add to the environment if you can, but that's just a personal suggestion. Enjoy.

I will release a Doctor Who episode every other week on Mondays. Torchwoods will also be posted at the same time. One week I will post Doctor Who, then the next Torchwood, and so on. I will be following the same format as when the new series began in 2005, I will release 12 episodes and then take a month long break, then return. This will also happen to Torchwood, however there will be a season climax, always.

Author's Note:

The Doctor Who stories will be rather erratic as I will shift from one doctor to the next (hence why it follows the doctor and not a companion). I will try to keep it linear, I plan on having past doctors adding depth to the story in stories which will almost be flashbacks. You can tell which doctor is which as I will identify at the start of every episode which one is in use (1st regeneration, 2nd regeneration, 3rd and so on). I may also use new companions which I have made, I will provide backstory for them, however I may stick to ones from the show.

The Torchwood series will be a split timeline (as explained in the story), where timelines split after season 2. One timeline is the one which we see in the TV series (seasons 3 and 4), the other is the one I will be writing on. I will release more details the episodes are released. So Ianto, Jack and Gwen are still active characters in the stories. I will be avoiding any graphic or otherwise inappropriate material, but I will try to keep the same grittiness the show created to the best of my abilities. The story will shift between characters, similar to a screen play as the story goes on. It will take first person experiences from each character.


Doctor Who- Season 1- Episode 1 "The Heart of Time"

-To be released on 2/8/16-


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