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Old forums

Do you want the old forums?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like the old vBulitin forums?

    • Yes please bring the old forums back
    • Nah the new forums are good

Recommended Posts

- Trying to campaign for an issue explicitly declared as not open for discussion, check

- Using bold, large text because clearly that will help, check

- Passive-aggressive dig at the very people you are trying to win over, check

- Complete lack of arguments in favor of your point, check

- Posting in the wrong subforum, check

- Lack of proper grammar and spelling, check

- Draging a months-dead horse out again for another beating, check

- General low-effort posting style, check


Suggested use for this post: Exhibit A in a powerpoint presentation about "how to get your thread locked in less than 15 words". :P 


Okay, that was maybe a wee bit mean. :P But... seriously? After all this time, and everything that's been said? Just... no.

Edited by Streetwind
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