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[STOCK] Very stable plane!

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Hello people! i made a very stable plane. the LOL ROCKET!

origanly ment as a joke, it works very good. comes with parachutes for emergency or stopping, and 6 boosters!

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it takes off with 1 engine and 2 boosters, then you activate the 4 boosters, after that, fly a bit and land. use parachutes for stopping if needed. or use the parachutes incase of an emergency (WARING parts may come off when just using parachutes to land)

its very stable. heck, it dosent need SAS because its so stable! im a noob at landings but i nailed it!

also, dont ask me to put more parachutes on for making it stay in one peice on emergency, because heck, it was an emergency right? if you want to make it stay in one peice then land it!

put the .craft in your KSP/ships/SPH

EDIT: It can also take off once you land it with its one little engine! XD

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Download time? its right in the thread! its not like ur downloading it.


When you access a website, the site is temporarily downloaded to your computer. Since your GIF was HUUUUGE (apparently), it had a massive download time. Because it was at the top of the page, it slowed everything else down when loading.

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