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Tons of animations in blender export? Please help!

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So I was working on a science experiment for my mod, and when I export the model to Unity, this happened to the animation files. http://imgur.com/FAQiJl7. Is it suppose to do that?

Anyone have any ideas?  I exported it as a FBX file so not sure if that has anything to do with it.

Edited by pizzaguy
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My guess is that it IS a problem with your export settings.  Why are you exporting to fbx?  Unity can now open a .blend file natively...  so just import your blender file, on the input settings set your armature to 'legacy' and then check the animations window... it should all be one long animation then?

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3 hours ago, artwhaley said:

My guess is that it IS a problem with your export settings.  Why are you exporting to fbx?  Unity can now open a .blend file natively...  so just import your blender file, on the input settings set your armature to 'legacy' and then check the animations window... it should all be one long animation then?

Thank you so much!

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This happens when you export an fbx in binary, choose ascii instead and you won't get the 10000 animations in unity. It's better to import fbx into unity as opposed to .blend files because importing blend files directly causes unity to reverse the y-z axis and rotation. Also, fbx importing takes a LOT less time on high poly meshes compared to direct .blend import which is great when you need to change the import settings in unity so applying it doesn't take 10+ minutes. You can also do what necrobones suggested, however acsii fbx files tend to be smaller and take less time to import than binary(at least in my experience).



Edited by raidernick
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