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Sharedassets9.assets from RVE in KSP_Data caused crash

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EDIT: crash solved (took some time to figure it out though). RVE asks you to replace the sharedassets9.assets file in the KSP_Data folder with one of their making. After I did this, the game would crash every time it completed loading on start up. After restoring the original .assets file, the problem was gone.


Hi all,

my game crashes the moment it fully loads. It does this every time, I think it has to do with RSS Visual Enhancements (RVE), when I installed it it asked if I wanted to replace ~6 files which were allready in GameData (but not sure, I installed like 5 mods today).

Normally I'd simply do a full reinstall of the game and the mods and that would probably fix my problem, but with kerbalstuff being down, and because of that ckan not working, I won't think I'd be able to install all mods succesfully (I play with RO, RSS, RP-0, visual mods and lots of others).

Here's the crash log

I tried to read it, but couldnt make sense of it...

Anyone that can offer any help?

thanks alot!

Edited by CitizenVeen
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I tried to open your crash.dmp but it seems it is corrupted. I'm on a Debian OS and gedit has a lot of difficulties to get it open, many unreadable characters. However, at the beginning of that file you can check whether or not you have enough RAM for your game. Indeed, crashing at the end of the game loading is often due to a lack of available memory. Maybe, try using the 4K texture for RSS if you are using the 8K. Or some RAM reduced consumption mods like this one:


Maybe play your game in OpenGl might help as well.

Edited by Benoit Hage
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How do i open the crash.dmp? With notepad? And what will it say when the problem is/isnt ram shortage ?

I allways play with openGL, and got 8gb of ram with pretty much everything available, i also use the dynamic texture loading, and have not experienced any lagg, game slowing or framerate drops, even with all mods and big ships, so i doubt its my Ram....

What way would you guys recommand To (re)install RO and the dozen other mods i use now that ckan won't work?

Edited by CitizenVeen
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Sure with notepad, it should work. You'll see at the 6th or 7th line if there were some RAM left available. Watch out that ksp.exe is a 32bit application. It means it can not use more than 2e31 minus few thing octets. So no more than 3.5 or 3.6 GB if i'm right.

What are the textures you use for the RSS? 8K ones or 4K? The 4K's ones use much less memory. Beside this, there is not much else to help you reduce the RAM consumption, as you already have most of the tricks I know of.

Normally, you should be able to play RSS and RO + dependencies without problem, after all, we are all using the same amount of RAM, as the ksp.exe is a 32 bits application. Having 8GB do not change anything as for now, but as soon as KSP 1.1 is out, it will be a 64bit application, and then you 8GB will matter, as the application will uses 2e63 octets of available memory for its bits adressing. I guess the wait for 1.1 won't be too long anymore! Courage mate.


Edited by Benoit Hage
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