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How to use FS texture changer and do a liverly mod

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Hi, I would like to get a bit deeper in modding. I think texturing is where Id like to start. Im having trouble getting a Soyuz TMA to have 4 sets of colors. I want grey,green, dark green, and of course the stock black. I will be using Bobcats soyuz for this. So far this is what I have come up with for the code....

		name = FStextureSwitch2
		moduleID = 0
		objectNames = base  <----- I think this is whats making the mod not work
		textureRootFolder = SovietPack/Parts/Soyuz/SoyuzTMA_Descent_module
		textureNames = Soyuz_descentTMA;salyut4_orb_dark;salyut4_orb_light;grey
		textureDisplayNames = Black;DarkGreen;LightGreen;grey
		nextButtonText = Change Texture
		prevButtonText = Previous Texture
		statusText = Current Texture
		switchableInFlight = false
		repaintableEVA = false
		showPreviousButton = false
		updateSymmetry = true
		showInfo = true

As you can see I have a hunch that the objectName part might be killing it. The name "base" is the name of the mesh that MM gives. Do we go by meshes? So in the VAB  I get no texture change, but I do get the GUI button that says "Change Texture" . Can someone help me out?

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  On 2/19/2016 at 10:06 AM, InsaneDruid said:

Yes, it refers to the meshes of the model that should be affected by the texture change.

Probably the easiest method of getting to know them is using blender with the blender .mu importer. Import the .mu and click on the different parts, noting the names of these meshes.


I have 3dsMAX  , could I use that instead?

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I forget how to do it, but the Firespitter documentation for the texture switcher and mesh switcher somewhere explains how to use the mod to spit out a list of object names from the part while in-game. It's provided as a tool for just this sort of situation. I only had to use it once, so I don't remember the details.


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no importer for Max. you have to run Blender to use the MU importer. 

You can try changing the config from PART[] to INTERNAL[] or PROP[]. you can then spawn the part in Unity via PartTools, and maybe possible to find the mesh object you need in Unity. You won't be able to see a list of objects in the Project Assets panel; but you should be able to select individual mesh objects in the viewport, active selection's name should be displayed in the Inspector panel.

Edited by nli2work
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  On 2/19/2016 at 2:46 PM, NecroBones said:

I forget how to do it, but the Firespitter documentation for the texture switcher and mesh switcher somewhere explains how to use the mod to spit out a list of object names from the part while in-game. It's provided as a tool for just this sort of situation. I only had to use it once, so I don't remember the details.



that alt f2/f12 thing just throws exceptions, no part objects, inside the part load in VAB...any other suggestions? Do you have the Soyuz from Bobcat? Maybe can your check in your VAB?

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the KSP Object Insoektor can show you all the meshes and their names:

Just go into the vab, place the part you want to analyze, it will appear in the analyzer windows right on top, and then you can click through its hierarchy. The selected mesh will also be shown as a wire overlay in the scene, so its easy to indentify what is what.

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  On 2/24/2016 at 10:38 AM, InsaneDruid said:


the KSP Object Inspektor can show you all the meshes and their names:

Just go into the vab, place the part you want to analyze, it will appear in the analyzer windows right on top, and then you can click through its hierarchy. The selected mesh will also be shown as a wire overlay in the scene, so its easy to indentify what is what.



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tried the mod you just made, it doesnt list objects, just part names that are defined in the cfg under "name = "  I need to know the individual meshs that are part of the whole model.

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It does list the meshes. You just have to click on the part, then on its model then on the game objects that make a model until you see the meshes.

untitled-1hxu6p.png The Pic has the part, its model and the relevant game object overlayed with red, and the meshes in green.

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