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Folding plane and delivery system in to space 0.15

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This Plane fits in to a payload fairing on a rocket and can go to Minmus the mun or just orbit.

There is plenty of fuel

It is a very basic plane but is small and compact and has a lot of fuel.

But you do need quite a few mods

Here are the mods: (if it still doesn\'t load or i missed some mods please tell me)

Nova punch (latest update)

KW challenger, Rocketry and PLF (i love the strut connectors from thsi pack)

Silisko industries (edition 2 alpha)

Flood lights from omega aerospace

Damned aerospace and Damned robotics

Mech jeb

TiberDyne Advanced SAS modules

The solid rocket boosters are the Silisco edition Jamcracker solid boosters from Jebidiah kerman\'s junkyard and spaceship part Co

Landing gear is the C7 beta gear

you also need all c7 plugin

Your will also need mkn advanced sas from the RocktCo Industries & The Munar Institute of Technology Soyuz ship and munar kerbabl lander pack

Thanks to Redrumssam who reminded me

I will probably update this list with more mods that i forgot to add


If you like the craft please tell me...

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