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What's Hierarchy?

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I was installing a mod for Better Burn Time using CKAN, tried loading up KSP, then this happens: http://imgur.com/8nxtZeJ

Apparently it has something to do with HUIClips, and how I'm "pushing more than popping" (whatever that means .-.).

First things first, here's the log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwZHDX3K4KIuWkhvMXZwNzZRTHM

I have no idea what this "Hierarchy" thing is; so any help would be greatly appreciated!

-EDIT: I should also mention; now KSP doesn't even want to load. Each time I attempt to launch it, the screen remains black. It never reaches the progress bar.

-Fly Safe, Noname115

Edited by Noname115
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Both the hierarchy window and the messages regarding pushing and popping, and the null reference exceptions, are all feedback intended for the developer of the mod that is causing the errors. There is nothing a normal user can do with them aside from report them to the appropriate mod author. If all was working prior to the installation of your most recent mod, then that mod may be the culprit and you should find the development thread for that mod in the forums and report the bug there.

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